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Just wondering why his truck was taken off of the fast times list? He he get outgunned or is it just because he hasn't been around lately?

he hasn't been on the site in over 6 months. i'd say that's more than not being around lately.

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oohhhh i didnt know that part of the story....i wish there was some way we could find out and if so, give him some support.

Just e-mail him from the members search page. I'm sure he would like hearing from us. I sent him an e-mail today myself. :seeya:

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yeah, but to be on the list you have to be a contributing member in my opinion. not posting in over six months isn't contributing much to the site let alone do i know if he even still has the truck. alot of other sites do the same. if you stop coming around, you're off the list. it's not like i waited a month or two.

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I’m ok, sorry I fell off the face of the earth from this website. I have just been super busy at work and don’t get any time to get on the computer much any more. As some of you know I work for the local power company here in AZ. And we had a devastating transformer fire in one of our main Substations that feed the greater phoenix area. Because of this Arizona is on the verge of rolling blackouts since power cannot be delivered to the area. Soooo, I have been working everyday running this power plant that I work at. :crazy:


Anyhow, hope everyone is doing well around these parts. Read a few posts about the Kansas get together, sounds like that was a good time…Nice pics Ben…Hehehe. :pop:


To answer a few questions I have gotten in emails. No, I have not bought another SS…………………..I bought a Toyota Tacoma TRD. :uhoh: It’s nice but in no way compares to the luxury i took for granted in the SS….oh what a bummer, but it’s just a truck and i’ll have another some day. I had to buy a cheep truck because of insurance purposes… :sick:


I’ll try and come around more often, got some stories in the works too, some funny sh@t has happened over the past few months… ;)






And thanks for the Emails guys & girls, you know who you are... :seeya:

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Thanks guys,


Guess I’ll let you all in a little secret on what I have REALLY been up too. ;) I haven't posted for months, I'd love to come up with some awesome excuse as to why, but to be honest it's just due to time travel. I won't go into the boring details of how I wound up in the deep south in the early 60's, but suffice it to say that I was sent there on a Quantum Leap-style mission, to help the first female drill instructor get her stripes. I did it, but it's bittersweet, because we fell in love, and now that I've been sent back to 2004, I really miss her. I still hear her voice whispering in my ear "I love you maggot"…


There’s the straight dope dudes… :P





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