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Everything posted by f1ss

  1. He needs some Diesel power, NYC style Chase might want to go up to the Empire State Building and see NYC from a whole different view. I was at the top of the WTC with the observation deck and windows on/of the world restaurant and it was intense. I have to admit I think that made me scared of heights to a certain point. I was in the empire state building in late april 2001 and seeing the trade towers in the distance is something I will never forget. I cannot remember if thier is a restaurant up their though, we were on a class trip.
  2. Well deserved your truck is very nice. Love the hockey stripe on the AB color.
  3. You have any mods or stock? I would personally add some mods before tuning it like an cold air intake and cat back exhaust, then tune it. You'll notice more gains with more mods.
  4. Westborough is the next town over from me.......
  5. Looks nice. Their is a Colorado Sport RCSB with SS rims custom made for it around my area. Truck is BA, wish I had it as a DD.
  6. I like it alot without the sept pads and lights, looks alot cleaner. Curious as how it would look on a black SS as the steps are pads are black to blend in
  7. Dayum they tore you apart?!?! I was strip searched in Switzerland to Italy and it was all due to a damn metal belt buckle, must have looked suspicious to the guards though and this was April 2001. Im damn bored Im ready to get a ticket to NYC right now, had a load of drinks at the restuarant and the wait4ress bought me a xmas present of a 6pack as a loyal patron. Welcome to the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic buddy, hope you enjoy! edit - the Acela Premium club is fun
  8. f1ss

    Love The Awd!

    Only if you had a wide open 3 lane highway then you could really push it
  9. DownPayment sent earlier today before noon EST. Thank you sir.
  10. What else to do on Friday night but give the SS some attention. So hear are some snapshots of the tonnaeu cover that is Im guessing to believe a Gemtop from adivce. Take in mind these were just taken right before 1am so light is not at my side. I could not get a clear picture of the rubber T gaskets but you can see them from the top of the flush mount.
  11. Their is nothing more than I wish I could serve side by side with people like you. Sadly my shoulder wont allow me to do anything. Certain things are better, some are worse but life isnt a piece of cake. I need to PM you or send me one, February I might be able to meet up you with you on my way down to FL.
  12. How did your underhood diagrams turn to crap? Was it the previous owner? Mine are in mint condition and all I do is just wash the engine bay with GP cleaner and 90% h20......your truck a dd?
  13. Exactley! I can understand a lifted awd SS and it not fitting many peoples tastes, but not 2wd thats just damn pointless. To each their own as always, I have to respect as I do everyone's opinion.
  14. I have to agree, go awd or 2wd with the SS or go 4x4 with a normal chevy truck.
  15. You may have beat us in Olympic hockey but not our VIN's!!! Glad to see it is indeed a GM number, I take back what I said earlier.
  16. Dayum Justin. Im glad your back, sorry I never kept in touch had some things going on here on my own
  17. that is a lot of work and money. I remember seeing a picture of a dash torn apart to do this and wow, it looked like it was something only a guru of chevrolet could go. Youd be better off with a VHO honestly if you want to switch back and forth. Then again you could do it if you really want, be a very rare SS for sure.
  18. I have to say that is indeed a little sketchy, her name is Tricia I believe. I asked for their number to speak to them in person but I honestley cant remember if they gave a number out or not, I think they gave me an email. Unless they hand over a phone number that I can reverse phone search that comes up a legit GM phone number then I will believe it is indeed customer service. But my question is we have the steering clunk issue, front diffs crapping the bed left and right and trans with issues all over the place with stock setups, and what are they doing to help us, nothing yet honestly. I will stop my rant now because I still love this truck and wether or not its spam I have my own mechanic and he is the man, worked on my vehicle since day 1. But if their asking for VIN's that is sketchy imo. Sounds similar to the dude in NY that was taking VIN's off exotics and rare cars and sending the VIN's to Canada. I would only give my VIN out to only a couple members on this site that I have spoken to since I have joined and are extremely reputable to this site.
  19. Hot dayum that is a nice looking woman, or I mean rims also...... I have to say I dont see those rims often so it makes your truck very unique
  20. It most likely is the Gemtop then. I will take pictures of the rubber gasket seal, seems like most owners had issues with rubber gaskets not being weather/waterproof but has been perfect, especially when i wash the truck not a drop gets on my BedRug. Thank you for the clarification. I just got back from physical therapy so I am ready to sleep the day away but I will take photos with my new cell later tonite or tomm and post them. Thank you goodwrench
  21. Sorry to hear about this. I hate to say this but keep your eyes peeled on craigslist, etc for a lot of SS parts for sale. You could nab them that way. I hope this has a good ending.
  22. when encountering the slippery conditions whats your initial reaction withe the SS? Ive raced in snow with awd for about 10 years and this truck is unstoppable imo. Just have to keep the pedal mashed if you get swurly. Look at Bridgestone Blizzaks, you shouldnt have these problems again. The stock goodyears are good to throw the truck in the snow for powersliding, donuts etc. I took my truck out a few times in 05 and 06 before they dropped sand and it was alot of fun but going upgrades you would have to have the right speed, grip and no tires spinnig. Since then my truck hasnt seen any elements. Granted where you live you get alot more snow. I highly suggest the Blizzaks.
  23. My bad I should have clarified, I meant the fonts for the speedometer, gas gauge, oil temp etc were changed in either 05 or 06, not the font for the DIC.
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