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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. off the top of my head, i would start by checking for a blown head gasket, or cracked head/block
  2. i have a old mossberg 500 with stock and pistol grip, picked it up about 20 yrs. ago for about $125.00 new IMO- the best thing for home defence is a 12 ga. shot gun 00 buck or a #4 shot. the reason i feel this way is, one.. you don't have to be a great shot as in a hand gun to hit something you just point in the direction of the sound and squeeze off a shot. the spread of the shot will clear a hallway or small room. two.. i don't care how big a bad a$$ you think you are breaking into someones house, at 2am you hear a 12 ga. pump having a shell jacked into a chamber will PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN ANYONE.. third.. hand guns/rifles are great, i have a boat load here, but the most important thing is if you miss with your big bore guns, WHERE is that round going? thou 2 walls out your house and KILL a person down the block at least a shot gun will stay in the confines of your house..three.. if you pull it on someone YOU BETTER BE READY TO USE IT !!! and SHOOT TO KILL because he/they may be packing a gun and a better shot than you and then YOU will be tits up and not them like the old saying, i would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6 good luck
  3. the only way around it is to either registrars it out of state, and take the chance of being caught. fines for that are, you will have to pay back fees for no less 30 days, or back fees to the first time reg. in CA OR to date of manufacture...1996.. the other thing he can do, is build the motor/trans to what he wants and keep old motor/trans and swap it out every time smog is needed..and take the chance he doesn't get caught with a gross polluter by the SMOG COPS... good luck to him..
  4. not as bad as this guy... didn't everyones mom say.. NOT TO PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE THEY DO NOT BELONG
  5. i worked labor relations for about 15 yrs. on both sides of the table. and there is good and bad union and non union work places. one thing i found, like the old saying goes, you can't get blood out of a rock, you will only get what the co. can or will give. if you don't like it ...well there's the door, there is a lot of people who would almost kill for a job that pays 1/2 of what GM workers make, my self included... read a news paper article this morning about a women and her husband both work at GM assembly lines, and she was crying on HOW they were going to pay there bills with NO income. between them both THAY ONLY MAKE $124,000 PER YEAR.... and cant pay there bills
  6. desrtrat

    New Smilies

    anyone have some links so we can down load some more...thanks
  7. the one in MEDFORD burned a few years back, and it burned for days. cars, and about 3 acres of tires. salvage yard fires can be REAL nasty...
  8. when i was living in NY my 01 Z71 had passenger plates on it when i got it new in 01. when i bought the SS in 03 DMV would NOT transfer my personal passenger plates over because the SS was over 5001 lbs... any pu over 5001 lbs. MUST be registered commercial.
  9. 99-06 gm truck cats we get about $175-185 each when we sell them to a recycler that comes around about every other month. prices change depending on the metal market for platinum and rhodium. inport cats can go even higher i would question anyone selling cats for $ 60-90 on ebay when you can almost double your money by recycling them..
  10. are you going thou your insurance co. or by yourself? if yourself, then good luck getting anything from them. there not going to respond to your calls becomes they know that they will have to spend the $$$ on it. insurance co. ( most )will not pay out any more then they have to and if ignoring you will save them money then they will... contact your insurance co. or a good attorney and go from there good luck
  11. the office... my work space my MA always was telling me TO GO PLAY IN TRAFIC
  12. and when you do replace your plugs, a little anti seize compound on the plug threads also will make your life a lot happier when you change them again
  13. going to need a how to on that RAY..
  14. that's one of the advantages of living in the " sticks " we get that here also. no city to smog up the shot. the nights are also great no lights to block the stars... milky way... photo taken in Death Valley can't see this kind of thing from the big city
  15. how does it sound outside the car port..
  16. you can run a gas engine on propane. used a lot of them back in the 70s gas " shortage " could run a mix or straight, depending on your carb setup. use to run 15kw generators on propane Acetone is known to deteriorate cheap plastics and other substances. While the components in a car's fuel system should be of high quality, and thus immune to any deleterious effects from exposure to acetone, be aware that "ideal" is not always the case in practice. Be advised that not all systems have been tested against acetone. Until such thorough testing has been accomplished and certified by a accredited authority, you assume your own liability for experimentally testing acetone in your particular system maybe if you were setup to run E85 then i think the fuel system would hold up good luck if you try it...
  17. desrtrat

    No Airbags?

    check the plug behind the mirror, mine has come louse a couple of times when i put in my sun shade.
  18. put money on it that GM will take it and remove the last nut on it to see what happened to it. hope all works out for the best... good luck
  19. waste of a good SS....... WHY..
  20. best get rid of them NOW before the eggs hatch, or you will be up to your eyes in baby spiders. you could be looking at 100s of them hatching at a time. there so small thet closed windows will not stop them. good luck, and GOOD HUNTING...
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