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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. they can be replaced, they are soldered in. i used to have a link on a how to with LEDs, but i can't find it I'll keep looking.. this is in blue
  2. so was this guy.. http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39048 BTW..sounds GOOD..
  3. i would take it back to the dealer for them to repair. bad front ends are common on 03-04 bearings and cases. if you have a $200 deductible, then it's cheaper than $12-1300 for repairs.. good luck, and good to see another BLUE SS
  4. i know what your saying... my family has lived on the island since the 1660s some of who were the founders of HEMPSTED and SMITHTOWN. direct descendant of BULL SMITH. and in PORT JEFFERSON since 1813 so when i left it was hard, but the greed of real estate left me no choice
  5. TOOO f**king expensive to live there any more. that's why we all left..
  6. to all former member, combat vet 6 BN 31 INF REG.
  7. i vote no, the main reason is HARASSMENT..i smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, yea i know I'm a sick evil person being over taxed, over regulated, told by the communist state where i can and can not smoke, telling me that I cost tax payers billions of dollars in in health care, and KILLING everone with my second hand smoke can you just imagine what would happen if people were smoking pot in public what they would say but then look on the bright side, BILLIONS of dollars would be spent in tax money on research to find a cure for the next round of cancers and other health risk from smoking pot. IMO.. like CANCER and AIDS researchers DO NOT want to find a cure. why? because they will louse there BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars every year that goes into THERE pockets... have a nice day..
  8. 03-04 were noted for bad front end parts. bearings and bad cases. how far out of warranty are you. if you have a REAL good dealer maybe they can do something for you..there is a word I'm looking for to describe it, but I'M BRAIN DEAD THIS AM.. like a one time deal on repairs . if not you can try the local wrecking yards and find a complete front end. but then there is no guarantee that it is not bad also good luck
  9. i would FIND a better dealer. just because you did not buy it there is when i moved from NY to CA. all the dealer had to do here was type in my vin and had all the info on my truck.. next, i would just pull the fuse until you can find a good dealer, or what the issue is your self good luck
  10. mine did.. i could not find my paper work for my TOGS when i had it smogged. luck i was given a YOU WILL NEED IT NEXT TIME. but he passed me anyway. there getting tougher up here, smog cops are busting a lot of places over stupid stuff. one guy i know was fined $2,500 for not checking the timing on a 83 ford pu..
  11. [quote name=Holty' date='Nov 8 2007, 11:16 AM' post='452031 what neck of the woods to steer clear from!?!?!?!?!?! not to hijack this, BUT... posting a link about a guy i know who has been hunting all his life. takes off for 3-4 month at a time to hunt all over the west. has record kills of elk, and dear with bow and rifle. the saying, sometimes you get the bear, ...and sometimes the bear gets you.. http://www.desertdispatch.com/news/bear_18...sey_hunter.html and here is the follow up.. A Barstow hunter who was attacked by a bear last week in Montana has lost the use of one eye, but is recovering from injuries sustained during the attack, according to a friend. Barstow resident Virgil Massey, who was attacked by a bear while hunting near Corwin Springs, Mont., on Wednesday, is still in a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah, but is improving wrote John Crawford, a friend of Massey’s, in an e-mail. Crawford stated that Massey’s jaw was broken in the attack and remains wired shut. He stated that doctors are working to repair deep lacerations yo Massey’s chest, legs and back. Doctors have performed plastic surgery to repair injuries to Massey’s face and are optimistic that Massey’s remaining eye will improve, Crawford wrote. He stated that although doctors have not set a date to release Massey from the hospital, he is able to walk and is improving. BE SAFE OUT THERE>>>
  12. i would keep this in mind..are you the father? and are you sure.. not to screw with your head, but I've been there long time ago with my daughters mother. had a on again off again relationship with her. was told one time i was the father, and from others i was not. so be prepared for the worst and if you get back together again when the baby is born, talking from PERSONAL experience now..i would request/demand a DNA test be done to remove any doubts that you will have possibility for the rest of your life. last remember... once a cheat, always a cheat...that goes for both men and women good luck
  13. long tubes are a BIG in CA. not CARB. certified the best you can do and pass smog is mids good luck
  14. sorry, i'm calling on this one. deal with too many thief/recovers for law enforcement to believe this.. need pics and vids to change my mind...
  15. kids good.. but i still like the old school drummers. doing it in a jacket and tie or a tux..Buddy Rich is still one of my all time favorites. http://youtube.com/watch?v=WgeX9iYOFSQ not to shabby for an old fart...
  16. and it's only getting better tells it like it is....
  17. but a roll back can be noisy. if someone is going to steal it they will, all you can do is slow them down as much as possible to louse interest in it.we had a 99 mustang that was inpounded here last week, and we needed to move it. went to start it and nothing, no crank. after a bit we found that he wired the starter relay thru the head light switch, so the only way it would crank and start was turning on the lights.after it started you can turn them off and drive away....slick for sure good luck
  18. the guys on the board said this thing could handle a 2,000 shot of no2...OH SH*****T
  19. any fans.. been one since he came out with class clown in 1972.. Hippy-Dippy weather man, and the 7 dirty words you can't say on TV are still some of his best. ...NOT WORK SAFE... you have been warned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccYoVnBc_fk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrXvDXVhqfU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTjQ1i22-ek&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M5Xm5RYTRY Enjoy.......
  20. he's getting his date ready for the big dance tonight...
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