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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. The next time it's time to buy tires for either car, I'm just going to stick with tirerack.com. I took my car to the Toyota dealer to get them installed and paid $59 bucks, much less then what Sears was going to charge. I was also informed by the nice people at the Toyota dealer that my valve stems are part of the tire pressure system, so I didn't have to get new stems but Sears kept insisting that I also needed new valve stems even after I questioned them several times.

  2. They have a form on their website that you can fill out with your experience and supposedly someone will get back in touch with you. I've decided to wait till my first day off and go back to the store and hunt down the store manager, I want nothing to do with the auto center at this point. I'm still pissed off of how I was treated and talked too, but I've also cooled down some.


    It sucks how customer service everywhere has gone down the crapper. I work for a computer company and before my promotion the first of this year I did tech support over the phone and I have some stories to tell of the idiots who called in, but I still treated them with respect.


    I also think i ticked off the auto center because I would not allow them to touch my car and put the tires on, plus the fact that they were going to charge me $297 to do the work. Ya, you read that correctly and it's amazing how a lot of people fall for their crap. I felt sorry for a poor lady who came in asking to get a tire patched on her Saturn and they told her that she needed to replace 2 tires instead and she was like "oh, ok".


    Oh, and yes, every time I go in their store you can not find anyone to help you and if you do, they say they dont work in that department. I tried to buy something last christmas from their fitness department and after spending 2 hours trying to get someone to help me so I could buy the item, I walked out and bought it online.

  3. :rant:


    Sears Automotive Center sucks big time with good old fashion customer service. I needed new tires for my daily driver and Sears wanted $173.97 per tire, which turned out to be the cheapest place for this tire in my area. So after spending a month searching around online for what tire to get for my car and where to get the best price, I found a tire store online that had what I wanted for $145 per tire and $77 for shipping.


    As some of you may know, Sears says they will price match any competitor and also give you an additional 10% on top of that, all you need to do is print the online info stating the prices. So I called last Friday and the guy I talked to said that this was all correct and informed me to bring everything in, said he needed to special order the tires and that I had to put a deposit down which I said was fine.


    So I went on Monday on the way home from the gym and the lady looked into their system and that the tire was $173.97 each and would do the price match but that I had to pay half of the shipping charges that the online store was charging, which was $77. I said ok and gave a $600 deposit and she called the tire maker and placed an order and off I went with all my papers.


    Some guy from Sears calls me today to say the tires just came in, so I ran over after lunch to get them. Well first the kid at the desk tells me that only 3 of the tires came in and that no one should of called me, he then went back to take another look (after I asked him too) and then comes back saying that all 4 are in the store. So I proceed to tell him that I want the price match of the online store and I want my %10 discount on top of it which means I should get about $50 back, he just goes on and on about how I have to pay the full price. I said to him that I am not paying $173.99 per tire and he rudely interrupted me saying "they are $173.97" I then yell back "sorry for being off 2 freaking cents!". So he goes to his manager and talks to him in the office and then comes back out 5mins later saying his manager is looking into things and will be out in a second.


    So I wait for another 20 minutes at the counter till someone comes out and asks me if anyone is waiting on me, I told him I was waited on and that I am still waiting for the manager to come out and get things settled and he then says "I am the manager you are waiting on". I was like WTF is this place. So he tells me that he has to charge me $165 for each tire and that he can not charge me any less. I mention their policy and I showed him the print out from their very own website sears.com and he kept saying he is giving me the discount and what the guy told me over the phone on the Friday before and what the lady told me on Monday was not correct and he refused to call any of them to confirm things. I was steaming at this point and people were standing behind me waiting in line so I just told him to charge me damn card for the difference ($102) and I'll never come back and I'll spread the word. He didn't seem to care of my poor customer service.


    What ever happened to good customer service and people standing behind their own company policies? I will never in my life go back to Sears for tires and no way in hell I would ever let them touch my car or truck for any work.


    I guess I'll consider the $150 extra that I ended up spending as a lesson learned in life.


    Sorry for the long message but I do feel a little better getting it out.


  4. I've had pretty good luck with GM products. The only GM product I had endless problems with was my 2000 Chevy Blazer ZR2, BIG POS!!!!! But the 94 Blazer I had before that was great, got 100k out of it and it was still going strong. Should of kept it, I only traded it in because I wanted something newer. :sigh:

  5. Oh wow, this sure is some bad news, I am so sorry to see this all happen to you. The story and pictures are bringing :tear: to my eyes. What you are going through is the exact reason I will never let anyone drive mine.


    I feel really bad in saying this, but I would have to agree with fireman and krambo on parting it out for sale and then charge your friend the balance. I think you are looking at way to much money to fix, maybe over 12 grand?


    I wish you luck and please stay around and keep us all posted on how the surgery is going, if you wish to go that route. :chevy:

  6. I had read all the previous posts that were locked since I had nothing else to do. Hey, sitting in bed for 2 weeks while healing from surgery will bore you to death. But anyways, I agree with what Mr. P just said, this site isn't the same as it use to be.


    So, can we all just :chillpill: and then :cheers::pepsicheer: ?? :)

  7. I've got this and it has gotten worse over the years. I was told years ago that I needed my jaw broken and wired shut for a couple months and I refused that. I had my impacted wisdom teeth removed when I was 22yrs old and was fine till this past year. Lately my right side jaw is very painful and keeps locking up on me and sleeping at night is painful. I have a hard time opening my mouth in the morning when I get up as well. I also am no longer able to bite into things like a sub way sub or thick burger, have to just eat the edges.


    I didn't know there was some type of a retainer that you can wear, my dentist never told me of anything like this. The only retainer I have is to keep my teeth straight, but I only wear that a couple nights a week. I'm gonna have to ask him about this when I go to see him next because the pain is getting to be to much now.

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