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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. Sorry to hear about this. If I were you, I would go ASAP and get that video before the store ends up recording over the old.


    I learned my lession 5yrs ago when some girl took out the entire passanger side of my old Silverado. I was in the far left turn lane hardly moving cause I had a red light and some 16yr old with a car full of friends decided to pass someone else and want way to far to the left and took out the side of my truck, paniced and went to the right and hit someone else. We all pull into the gas station on that very corner and she's scared and crying Blah Blah Blah Blah.....I feel bad and she calls her father while I call the police. The police refused to come since no one was hurt and all cars could could still be driven, then her fater shows up. He begs the living crap out of me to not contact my insurance because she only had a learners permit and had already had an accident 2 weeks earlier. So he said he would be in touch and to get an estimate on the damages, this all happend Friday night after I left work and was only 5mins from my house. So I went to the dealer on Monday and got the estimate (around 2500 I think) and called him back. To make a long story short, after fighting with him for 2 weeks trying to get the money from him, I called my insurance and told them everything and let them take care of it. The father finally returned my MANY calls pissed off at me for turning into insurance. Guess he didn't think 2 weeks of not returning any of my calls wasn't long enough.


    I HATE PEOPLE!!!!!

  2. insurance?


    He said in his original post that he only had liability to save money. I still think there is something they can help you with though, you should call and ask.


    Congrats on getting it back, good to hear. I dont get why they couldn't tell you they had the truck OVER a week ago and not tell you sooner. Shouldn't they have known it was there each time you called them for a update?


    If you can, post pictures of it, maybe we can help you with what all you need and so forth.


    Good Luck!!

  3. Hey BigTsBadSS, where the heck have you been? Haven't seen you around in ages. It sure was a sad day when you sold the SS, do you ever see it around anywhere?


    If I had to make up my mind now, I would go with the Challenger. All of the pics I've seen of the new Camaro I find ugly. Maybe I'll change my mind when I finally do get to see it in person, only time will tell on that.

  4. Damn man, I'm pissed hearing this. Will insurance pay the repair bill?


    A park and ride 15mins from my house was hit a couple months ago, people got off the bus and got into their cars to find out they were much louder then when they last drove it earlier that day. If I ever see some scum bag doing that or anything else, I'll f'en :M16: them!!!!!!

  5. I like the breed, you just need to take care of training when young or you will regreat it latter. I had my Shephared for 13yrs before I had to put him to sleep, loved that dog to death just like any other dog I've had. He was so protective over me and my family, especially me. NO one at all was allowed in this house that didn't live here and he would make sure of that. So when someone was to come over, we always had to put him out back till they woudl leave. If I was out in the yard doing something and one of the neighbors were outside, he would sit down in front of me and just watch the other person and show his teeth if he thought they were to close to me. : )


    He was also pretty active but he also knew when it was time to be calm. I wasn't able to take him out for a walk cause he would just snap at people and show his teeth. I tried my best to break him of that as a puppy but no dice but he was smart as hell, I had that dog trained to do just about anything and he picked up on things very quickly.


    The last months of his life he started turning on me cause he was in so much pain. I would try to help him with steps and he would snap at me and it hurt cause I knew how he use to be with me for years but I undestood the pain he was in and I also understood when he made me aware it was time. :tear::tear:


    I still have a Golden Retriver and she's the other way around, loves anyone and everybody, not a good watch dog but oh well, she's my best friend right now.

  6. tip of the day: if being followed....DONT GO HOME :thumbs:


    I learned my lesson on this the hard way last summer. I was driving my SUV and was on my way home from the gym around 6pm. The road I was on is two lanes in each direction but merge into one at the end before you go into a small town. Well I was coming up to the merge driving the speed limit of 45 and I watched some ass passing everyone up behind me left and right and he then pulled up to my back bumper riding my ass. Well at the merge point he decided to try passing me, but at this time the right lane was the shoulder since we were past the merge. So he's on the shoulder starting to pass me and I didn't want to make his day by passing me as well, so I hit the gas some to stay in front of him till the shoulder ends, so he was forced into being back to being in back of me. Well for the next 6 miles he rode my ass like he was attached to my trailer hitch and I just ignored him. When I got into my neighbor hood I started to realize this tool didn't live here cause the streets I was turning on are to out of the way and only those living around here would be going up. So I pull up in front of my next door neighbors house and he flew past me and pulled up in front of my car, blocking me in. I had my windows closed and he started yelling at me through his car, so I put my window down and asked him what the hell his problem was. He said that I tried to run him off the road and could of killed him. Can you F'en believe that???? In a very calm tone of voice I tried describing what I didn't do and what all he did and he started to get out of the car and kept saying he wanted to take care of this like a real man would. So I picked up my phone and called the police and at the same time someone in a passing car wanted to go up the street but couldn't cause he was blocking the street, so they started blowing on the horn and yelling at the ass to move, so he got into his car and took off.


    The police took it very serious and took the make model and the three letters of the place (thats all I was able to get) and went looking for him.


    Wow I'm out of breath. : )


    The only other problem I had was I was on a off ramp going to my grandmas during morning rush hour traffic and some lady decided to get off the highway by driving off the shoulder and through the grass to cut in front of me, so I blew my horn and she put the car into park and got out yelling at me saying she was going to get her man to come and beat the living sh^% out of me. I just looked at here and laughed as hard as I could and that pissed her off even more. :D Her plate is Geegirl and everytime I see her, I give her the middle finger.

  7. I'm sorry for your loss. I had to put my beloved baby to sleep in July. Pay close attention as you may start to see some signs that Madison is ok. The Saturday after I put my girl to sleep, I was going that afternoon to bury her at the pet cemetary. That morning, I took my other dog to puppy class and we arrived early. We were walking around in the grass, alone, and there in front of me was a beautiful orange and black butterfly (same colors as my Katelyn). It was the only butterfly there so I like to think it was her telling me hi mom.


    The woman at the pet cemetary told me I would see signs. Some people see butterflies. Some see beautiful birds. Others keep finding pennies. So if you see something different or special, it may just be Madison.


    Wow, thats interesting to know.


    This might sound strange but about 10yrs or so ago I lost my little beagle to cancer and I buried him out back under a tree. Latter that night my mom went out to put the trash in the cans out back and said she saw him running around the yard.

  8. man every time i read about pets going it brings a tear to my eye....my best wishes for you


    Same here. :tear:


    I'm sorry to hear this, I know how you are a golden lover like I am. Back in Jan I had to put my childhood cat of 18 and a half years to sleep cause her kidneys shut down and could not be brought back to working and I then lost my cat fish a couple months ago.


    I will never forget how I lost my old golden on the day I bought the SS, she loved my old truck and I'm sure she would of loved the SS even more.

  9. Good for you on getting things paid off, it's a good feeling when you do. I've been paying double payments on student loads for the past few years and I made the last payment last month, now the only thing going out each month is my mortgage and my car payment, thankfully the SS has been paid off for a year and a half.


    Good luck on the house hunting when that starts and congrats, buying a house is a exciting thing to do and putting money into your own property is much better then flushing it down the crapper on rent.

  10. Sorry to hear this. It's like you said, it was a freak accident.


    When my golden is in the car with me, I always keep the back windows up cuase i'm scared she could fall or jump out. She does have the best car behavior though, she usually just sits up in the back seat looking out the front or will lay down but i still keep the windows closed. Sometimes I'll close the moonroof too.

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