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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. Ya, I'll keep an eye open on this site for any cladding that's for sale. I'm just getting frustrated to hell and back. I cant drive it because I cant afford to fill up the gas tank, so it sits for a month or two at a time till I get enough money saved up to put gas in it. My friends just think thats dumb of me and keep talking me into selling it and buy something I could afford to put gas in and so forth. But to them, a car is just a car, they dont understand my attachment to the SS and no matter what I tell them to try and make them understand, they still dont.


    I know I would regret it till the day I died if I sold it, so I'll be keeping it. I just get frustrated about something going wrong or breaking on a truck I never drive, I try my hardest to keep it looking like it did when I first saw it sitting on the show room floor.


    So you guys dont think the cladding is shifting around from sitting out in the direct sun and heat all the time would of caused the cladding to shift around some? Right now I cant open the passenger side door, I cant see how to adjust the door cladding to stop rubbing into the fender.

  2. I went out to open my windows to let the truck air out some and when I opened the passenger side door to open the rear vent window, the cladding on the front door went into the front finder and broke of a chunk off the cladding on the door and rubbed the paint off the cladding on the front fender.


    The temps have been in record breaking 90's with high humidity for the past 5 days, so I'm sure beteen the temps and the fact that the truck sits in the sun all day long, the cladding must of expanded and moved resulting in me breaking the cladding.


    Seeing the warranty expired a year ago and I cant afford to fix it, guess it's going to stay like this. Maybe my friends are right, maybe I should sell it since I never drive it.

  3. Hey, sorry to hear about having to trade in the SSS in, but I clearly understand the reasons why you had to do it.


    Congrats on the new SS, its sharp looking! I like the looks of those little things. If I were to get one, it would be either red or blue. : )


    Congrats again and have fun driving that thing. Oh, I DEMAND more pics. :thumbs:

  4. I can see me still with the SS in 20yrs from now. Mine is paid off (has been for over a year) and I dont drive it all the time. I love the truck to death, but at the same time I feel real guilty for litting it sit all the time without driving it. Unlike most here, mine is not kept in a garage, it sits in front of my house on a neighborhood street where it gets coverd in rain, snow, sun etc...etc.... I also worry all the time that one of my scum bag neighbors will do something to it, thankfully they haven't yet!


    The past few weeks a couple of my friends have been putting a ton of pressure on me saying that I need to sell the SS and buy a small car that gets better MPG's and put the rest of the money into my house.


    But as far as I'm concerned, like fireman31 said, it's going to the grave with me. :pimp:

  5. I've been doing the "should I sell the SS or not" myself recently. A few of my friends are trying to talk me into it so I could take the money and get something else that gets better gas milage that I can afford to drive and put the rest of the money into my house. I know deep down that if I did sell the SS, I would feel like I just lost part of myself and would regret it for the rest of my life. They dont seem to get it.


    It was funny, tonight when I was leaving to take the dog out to the park, some guy walking his dog and his little kid said to his son "thats a silverado ss son". It felt good hearing that and that he knew what it was. :)

  6. What a cute little thing, congrats... I like the pic of the little kitten and the dog.


    Oh, those blue eyes are cool looking, I've never seen eyes that blue before.


    Here is a pic of my snot with the dog. Sorry for the dark pic, it was pitch dark when I took it.


  7. I did it once on a old car of mine like 10yrs ago. It did not do a thing, was a waste of money. A lot of places around me do specials for $99 bucks for inspection and charging, so it's worth the extra 70 bucks to pay getting done, and done right.


    I know what you mean about the a/c in the SS sucking, mine is crap. While my truck was still under the factory warranty, my truck spent at least 10 days each summer at the dealer getting looked at and fixed with a/c problems. One time they had it for 5 days trying to figure out what the problem was. Now that I'm out of warranty, I just make sure I dont drive it to work on a really hot day. My 4Rummer starts blowing ice cold air in seconds after turning it on.

  8. Looks good, me likes. The only thing I see that you need to do to it is push down that rubber strip on the bottom of the drivers window, its coming up. :D My 2000 ZR2 did that all the time, the passenger side window was worse.


    As for a DD, I'm thinking of selling mine (SUV) for something that gets better MPG's. I currently get 18MPG and I'm now spending $70 a week and it's killing me. The price of gas as of this morning was $3.70/gal. :cry: It has gone up $ .15 in the past 3 days. :eek:

  9. I think the HHR just has one S, they are just calling it Sport. I saw one of those Equinox ones a few weeks ago in rush hour traffic. I thought it looked better then the regular one but I still would not buy one. Thankfully I was in my SS and the guy driving that Equinox kept looking at mine like there was no tomorrow, guess he felt jealous after seeing a real SS. :driving:

  10. when I see a thread about a new DD I usually expect something with a 4cyl to get good gas mileage. Nice car though


    Thats always my thought too. : )


    Congrats on the new GTO, you are lucky to have parants that could afford it.

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