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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. i did something similar the week I got my truck. I went to a friends house who lives on a court dead end street and in front of his house was a storm drain and I thought I missed it but I ended up scuffing the outside edge of my rim about a 1/4 around. I could see the mark on the drain after I got out and looked. Luckily it didn't do any real damage and i don't even notice anymore and luckily I'm on silver rims and not chrome ones but still it was the same week I got my truck!


    I did the same thing a couple years ago, turned around in the street at the top of my hill and hit the storm drain in the corner, boke a chunk about 4 inches long and it's still broken today.

  2. A used car dealer by me has a red SS for sale that has a visor above the windshield, that thing looks ugly as hell.


    Before I bought my SS a chevy dealer by my house had a black SS used that had those ugly nerf step bar things and they looked ugly and pointless. You could not really stand on them because they didn't stick out enough.


    Some people :idiot:

  3. Holly crap is that funny. I'm not sure what I would of done if that had happened to me. I'm a real quiet type of person who never wants to start something, but there are times my anger gets the best of me.


    Maybe I shouldn't tell this but one day I was in a shopping mall parking lot in my dads old car and some fat lady parked next to me and put her drivers door right into the side of my dads car. I had all the windows down in the car and tried getting her attention and she just gave me a dirty look, so I jumped out of the car and started yelling at her and her fat ugly friend and they just kept walking away and just laughed at me all while others had seen what happened. Well my anger level was a foot over my head and I walked over and kicked the shit out of her drivers door and then left. And yes, I left a nice size dent that could not of been missed.


    It felt so good doing that, but at the same time I felt guilty for touching someone else's car, plus I was scared someone wrote down my plate and called the cops. On the other hand, I think the people who were around thought "good for you". :D

  4. Sorry to hear the SS is gone, It's always :tear: to see one go.


    I had a Mazda3 as a rental a couple years ago and that thing was fun as hell to drive, it had that sport shifter option. My dad has a Mazda 626 (the last year of the 626) and it's going strong with never having any problems at all and its turning 80k. My grandma has a 1990 Protege that she bought brand new and the damn thing still drives like the day she bought it 18yrs ago.


    Good luck with the new car. I cant make fun because I'm a Toyota owner and love it. :D

  5. Wow fellow neighbor, I for one am very happy to see that you are selling the SS. Now when I drive around Level Green and Monroeville, I can feel better knowing that there is one less SS in the hood. :jester:


    Hope you know I'm just kidding. Sorry to see/hear you are selling but I can understand why. Good luck with the sell and your hunt for the new Vette.


    Off topic, but have you seen that black SS driving around Level Green that has the Fighting Irish painted on the back tailgate? I seen it a couple times last summer and the summer before.

  6. Nice truck, I like it. I still wish GM made the white as a option for the SS.


    Like everyone else here, I had a heck of a time trying to find the different shade of colors. :D Some kind of a red to blue stripe might make it pop more.


    Enjoy! (your sis that is).

  7. Just thought I would make a quick update on what I noticed. This week it was cool outside, between 58 and 65 with hardly any sun at all and guess what??????? The cladding on the door is back to normal now. The only part hitting the fender now is the broken piece that is sticking up but thats it. So I'm conviinced that the direct sun and heat had a part in the movement and warping of the cladding. Sure it will all go back to hell next week when the sun and heat come back.


    SInce I can not open the door without having to push on the cladding, do you think it would be easier to just break and grind away the damaged area and forget about how ugly it looks or remove the cladding and try to put it back on with new double sided tape?

  8. now its time to do the roger rabbit, slid like Hammer .. remember his parachute pants ?


    Someone at my gym wears those same exact parachute pants that Hammer did. He also wears them every single day too. Everytime I see him I think of Hammer and Vanilla Ice.

  9. I measured and compared doors and gaps on both sides and they seem to be identical. After 3 years and asking anyone who would listen, the only answer I could come up with is that maybe the cladding bows outward just slightly under the right weather conditions (high temp and humidity). I did some testing and there was no way the cladding has moved toward the fender or is positioned wrong. The only thing that made enough diiference to allow it to hit was pulliing the cladding away from door a little. These pieces are kinda tall and long and I think they are fastened only at the top by double sided tape and at the bottom by screws, so the middle area can be pushed or pulled away from the door. I'm not sure if there is any tape anywhere else to hold it against the door, if not I would def add some if it was replaced.


    Yo, sorry to see the damage you have, I feel the pain. Thankfully mine isn't as long as yours, it's about half the size as your break. I was thinking of rounding things off with my little dremel tool to see if that would help. Currently I have to push the cladding down in order for it to clear the fender, so as of now, my truck is only a one door truck. :cry:


    The intense morning sun hits the passenger side of the truck all morning long and has since the day I bought it brand new. The weather was very hot (over 90) for 5 days or so, and the humidity was 100% for even more days. So I still think that between the sun, hot temps, and the humidity, they all played a factor.


    I did notice that if I apply some pressure to the top center of the cladding, that it does even out and I was then able to open the door without it hitting the fender, so this tells me that the cladding is shrinking and bowing.


    Guess I should turn the truck around so it's facing the other direction so the intense morning sun isn't on the passenger side, but if I do that, then I'll end up having problems with the drivers door.


    Wish my warranty wasn't up so that I could take it to the dealer to be fixed. Oh well, just the luck I have I guess. :(

  10. Since the weather has been so nice around here, I've spent the last few days outside enjoying the nice weather and getting a ton of yard work done. In the process I've gotten sun burned pretty badly all over my back and shoulders, which got me to thinking about home Remedies.


    So, does anyone have any good ones that you would like to share? They can be for anything. :P

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