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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. DGIEPSS - don't sell the Camaro, take it from the man who's been there. In your situation it is a hopeless/poor strategy that will backfire in several ways. I am not going to mention the few reasons why, but my advice is to postpone the engagement until you have paid off the truck and got the credit cards AND your fiance's bad attitude under control.


    Yeah I said it.


    Mr. P.


    I agree with Mr. P. on this.

  2. I've got a question. You say you bought the SSS brand new and that your payments are $700/month and the side bar shows your SS is a 2003. Shouldn't the truck be almost paid off any day now? If not, how much more time do you have till it's paid off?

  3. Congrats on the pay off, what a feeling that is huh? Wait till you get the loan papers and car title in the mail, it will feel even better.


    Good luck with the extra cash you will have each month, just don't be shocked that it really isn't around like you think. I paid my SS off in March of 2007 and still don't see the extra cash each month. But there again, I did end up going out a couple months later and bought a new car. : (

  4. There are tons of stray cats around here. The damn things kept crapping in the yard and beside the porch and pissing everywhere, so the smell around the house was enough to knock you out. So I went out and got moth balls and placed them around the front porch and that seemed to take care of that.


    A couple weeks ago I opened up the hood on the SS to clean the engine bay and found the black engine cover had paw prints all over it. I did take a pic, but it was with my crappy cell phone. Just what I need, to go out one day and start up the SS to find that there is a animal getting grinded to death in my truck. Not sure how I would clean up after that. :puke:

  5. I freaking cant stand people who talk on their cell phones while driving. Everytime I see someone talking and driving, I can see they are not paying any attention to what's going on around them. I'm also seeing more people doing text messages while driving, WTF??

  6. I was just curious. Those of you who have fish tanks that you take pride in them, do you feel sad when one of your fish die?


    A catfish that I had for 3 1/2 years died over night and I really liked the little guy. When I got him he was a year old and was getting abused by fish he was living with, so the guy took him to the fish store that I go to so that he could get a new home. When I saw him, all his fins were chewed up and his little antenna/feeler things in front of his mouth were almost all gone.


    After having him for a couple weeks I started seeing his fins grow back and the little antenna/feeler things grow back. He then started to grow like crazy and was real healthy looking and very active.


    I know some people think a fish is just a fish, but some of them have a personality to them. Everyday when I get home, the dog and cat come to greet me and when I walk into the room where the fish tank is, they come swimming right up to me and act all excited to see me, but there again, maybe it's just cause they want me to feed them.


    The other fish I have are 4yrs old now, I hope they are not coming to the end of their life anytime soon.


    Sorry for the strange post, I was just curious to know if others felt bad too.

  7. As of now, I could never let anyone drive my SS while I'm still breathing.


    It's funny, yesterday on the way to the gym some kid that was riding my ass in a 1995 civic pulled up next to me when the highway opened up to 4 lanes. He looked up at me and revved up the engine to show off what he didn't have, and his fart can was blasting away. I just looked at him and laughed, must not of liked that because he took off and all you could hear was his fart can.


    I didn't feel like eating away gas in the SS for a old civic that was covered in black primer paint with primer pink stripes on the hood and truck deck. When I got to the end of the express way, he was sitting at the red light, I just looked at him again and laughed.


    Did he really think his old civic could beat my SS? :dunno:


    I'll have to admit, it did feel good having someone want to race me.

  8. I say eff ebay. if you set a reserve they will charge you. put it on craigslist and diff sites. :chevy:


    I agree, try craigslist and autotrader.com first. My buddy had his house up for sale with a well know realastate company for a year with nothing, he stuck the house on craigslist and it was sold within 3 weeks, and he got more then what the agency was asking for it.


    I had a car on autotrader.com once and I think the ad was $40.

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