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Everything posted by cwest94

  1. Congrats on the job promotion dude, I just got one myself. Summer is just around the block (hard to think that when it's only 19 outside right now) and you will fall back in love even more when spring time hits. And sorry about hearing the water leaking in, have any ideas how or where it's coming in at?
  2. Unfortunately this is the last weekend that I will have off (start my new hours next week and will be working weekends). I thought that with using all water based products, that I would be safer and less fumes in be breathing in.
  3. I was just curious to know if anyone has ever taken on this task before and what your experience was like and if you have any tips to give. I'm going to try and redo the floors in the first and second floor hallway and the living room this weekend in my parents house. I pulled up all the carpet a couple months ago and since I'll have some time off this week, I thought I would do them this weekend so that I dont have to try and rush things. From everything that I have been reading online, it does not seem to bad. I went to Home Depot last weekend and got floor stain and a bottle of gloss polyurethane, both are water based, I wanted to stay away from oil based finishes. I'm a little worried of the outdoor temps only being 17 for the high and single digits at night and I'm not sure if this will have any affect to the drying and end product or not. I am thinking that I should stuff the heating vents in the hallway and living room with newspaper and cover the vents in plastic to prevent wood dust getting in and blowing through out the entire house. So, anyone have any good tips or suggestions to give up?
  4. I voted yes, that I do believe. Thankfully I have not actually seen a ghost in person, but I have experienced some things that I can not explain in my parents house. My shepard (RIP) use to get up out of a sound sleep at different times of the night every so often and run to the main staircase and just look up and bark, like he was barking at something. Whenever he would do this, you would feel chills all over your body. Sometimes he did this while we were all just sitting in the living room watching tv, and others everyone might be in bed sleeping during the middle of the night. Just curious, I went to go see a psychic like 10yrs ago and he told me a few things that left me with questions. He recorded our session for me to listen to at a later date to see if things make more sense to me latter in life, I have never listened to it, maybe I will now. BUT anyways, he told me about a lady who liked to visit and just stand in the main staircase to watch over people, was someone who was proud of the house and work that she had done to it years ago when she lived here. Well hearing that freaked me out so I told him about what my dog would do at times about barking at the bottom of the steps for no reason and the physic said it was because the dog could see her when she came to visit Keep in mind, I did NOT tell him about what the dog would do from time to time till long after he told me about the lady in the steps!!! I also had some problems with things just going missing out of no where. When I was doing some refinishing work on the 3rd floor, I would quit for the night and the next day some things would be missing, like a hammer or screwdriver that I know for a fact that I left laying in the middle or a room, then out of no where a few days latter, they would reappear Oh, there was also one night while up on the 3rd floor working on refinishing some doors a desk lamp decided to turn it's self on and off. The desk lamp has a know that you have to turn to turn it on and off. How the hell could something like this turn it's self on and off on it's own??????? I was also once down in the basement cleaning up some paint brushes and out of no where, something tugged on the back of my shirt 2 times, the chills going up my back to my brain freaked me out and I had to leave. And now the biggest thing that happened in the house but I did not experience it. One night when my mom was still alive she was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and getting some things ready. Well our house was built in 1929 and we have a second staircase that is in our kitchen and meets up to the main staircase on the second floor landing. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table facing the fireplace and she said a lady floated down the hallway into the kitchen and up the back staircase. She first thought it was me walking down the hallway to come talk to her in the kitchen, but when she placed the newspaper down to turn around and talk to me, she seen some lady with no feet float up the back kitchen steps. She waiting 3 weeks before she told me about this because she was scared to see how I would react to hearing that.
  5. Someone needs to get a life. Don't worry, i'll be posting one here shortly for my 1000 mark.
  6. Wow, more positives here about working weekends rather then full weekdays. I am still rather young and I'm single, so no girl/wife and no kids, so I will not be missing out on that. The only down things I can think of is not being able to stay out late on a Fri or Sat night with friends, but lately I have not really been going out, just staying home and saving my money. I also stopped drinking a few months ago because I've been putting in tons of time and energy into working out hard at the gym. I think the positives of working weekends and two weekdays is that I'll have Mon, Tues and Wed off to do whatever I want. Stores of all kinds are less crowed and the parks are almost empty. I also like going to my gym in the late morning on weekdays, I can usually use anything I want with only about a dozen or so of others in the gym at the same time with me, rather then 30 or so when I would go at 5pm after work. The three week days off will also allow me to load up the dirtbike onto the SS and go riding this summer, which is something I never got to do last summer....FUN FUN FUN!!!!!! Plus I can spend three days enjoying the sun rather then 2 days.
  7. Just as the subject says. I got a promotion at work a couple weeks ago and my new job will be 4 10hr work days, would have three weekdays off (Mon,Tue,Wed) and work Thur - Sun. Of course I accepted the offer since it will pay more money and I would be doing some other tasks. I currently do phone support and email. I am at the point that I cant take dealing with phones anymore, people are rude SOB's when they call in and I'm sick and tired of it, been doing it for 6 1/2 years now. So my new position is just email support and server admin stuff. So I was just curious to know how many of you all work weekends and have weekdays off and which do you prefer? What have you found to be positives and negatives?
  8. Wow, that thing is like a work of art.
  9. I like this topic. I've had dogs all my life, and I prefer large dogs. Currently I've got a 2yr old Golden Retriever (turns 3yrs old next week) that I just got in Oct of 2007. I got her off of a breeder who only used her once for breeding, her loss was my gain. Before her I had another Golden Retriever and a Shepard/husky mix that I loved to death and mis like hell. I lost my Golden the day I bought my SS and my Shepard I lost 5 days before Christmas 2006. :tear: I'm thinking of getting another Golden, but a puppy this time, but I'm still thinking this one over. So for now I've got the one and I also have a cat that I call the devil
  10. LOL, I got this same letter in the mail today. I got all excited when I seen the part about extending the warranty for 7yrs or 70,000 miles only to see it was only for the instrument panel. I had to have a new one put in back in March of 2007. Thankfully mine was still under factory warranty at the time.
  11. So where are the pics at then????
  12. LOL, I liked the Moulin Rouge one. The monkey one is funny too.
  13. Sorry to see what happened, that sucks. As for it being totaled, I would have to say it's no where near that mark, it's differently fixable. You will feel so much better after it's fixed and you see how nice it looks. I hope for a speedy recovery.
  14. Well as a fellow Toyota owner, congrats and welcome to the Toyota family. But selling the SS for that, WHY???? That makes me want to And I should note that that truck is sick looking, in a good way.
  15. EXACTLY!!!!! You took the words right out of my mouth!
  16. Congrats on the new Malibu, I really like them. The chevy dealer by my house had a black LTZ with the 2 tone leather, SHARP!!! I to have heard nothing but positive things about them, I sure hope this means that GM will start changing the way they think. They are SOOOOOOO much nicer then the last gen Malibu, those things were ugly as dog sh*t. My dad had a 2000 that was nice, it just started to fall apart all over the place when it got 70k on it. I'm pretty sure the new ones are not the same. Do you ever drive much on rt 48 in monroeville at 6:30 in the morning? I've been seeing a white one exactly like yours in front and beside me this week, just curious to know if it's you.
  17. Good question, what ever did happen to him? That sure looks like his SS on ebay, just hope it really isn't.
  18. I dont really know what that scrapbook keeping is, looks dumb to me. Good thing I no longer have a girl to yell at me for saying that.
  19. I played 5 games and the first one guessed the exact breed of dog I was thinking, all the other games were wrong.
  20. Lemon juice works well too. Thats what I used with my dog when he got it.
  21. Well I guess ignore my last post, I just answered my own question after seeing another post on this very same thing of buying them off someone on ebay.
  22. Congrats and welcome to the site. If your going to put a cover on the bed, look into getting a bedrug bed liner. I got one in mine and its great.
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