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Everything posted by Kim

  1. I hate you now ...I haven't been to red lobster in for fricken ever. I thnk my mom might have the recipe for em though. Hmmmmm.......
  2. Congrats on the new SS It's a nice one.
  3. Last song I listened to was "Hear me Now" by Framing Hanley.
  4. That was great Thanks to that I now know my brain activity is insufficient
  5. Looks good. What does it mean exactly. I'm confused.
  6. sorry... jose cuevro is talkin. It really did suck though...don't work for family dollar.
  7. I used to work in a factory. This summer I realized it wasnt worth it anymore. I'm glad I quit...**** em. They're probably lost without me. I was a stocker, orderfiller, back-up shorts clerk, and back up sign-out clerk. They're kevlar gloves sucked...they didn't block the blade. I shouldve been a f'n manager.
  8. Don't do it. I don't know anything about bikes. But I do know that the crotch rockets are as dangerous as hell and scare the crap out of me. Someone I know recently was killed while riding his. He had a long straight stretch and let it rip, no traffic, and he was wearing a helmet. But something still went wrong and he wrecked. Actually there's been 4 people I know that have been killed on those damn things in the past year. It's not worth the risk.
  9. Hey...as soon as the leak and thermometer are fixed it will be perfect. You should see the paint job on this baby. I thought the dude repainted the whole truck, but he had just waxed and buffed the hell out of it.
  10. No pics yet. It's been raining ever since I picked it up. The sky finally cleared today. They did a real good job though, I'll get pics up as soon as I can.
  11. Okay...I got my truck back. Everythings cool except for a bad leak in the back window(taking it back to the shop next week) and my thermometer in the rearview is really messed up. When I sit and idle it keeps climbing. It made it to 128 the other day and it was like 40 outside. I know how to calibrate the compass, but is there anything I can do to fix the temperature reading, or am I going to have to take it to the dealer?
  12. Congrats to you Add one for me
  13. Lookin good The engine cover looks awesome like that. Much better than when it was like this...
  14. Mmmm....shiney. I know...I know. My truck has a nice ass. Yes, I do have it back from the shop. I haven't got pics of the repairs yet, because it won't quit frickin raining here. (the above are old pics)
  15. Yeah....with the changes to the site, whenever someone votes in a poll it gets bumped to the top. And dumbass me just bumped it again.
  16. The tow yard moved it to the shop on a flat bed. The dude started up and pulled it up there. I didn't even know it still ran. It sounded alright other than all the vibration from the loose parts.
  17. Well...it went to the body shop yesterday. He said that he'll start stripping it down next week, then it will go to the frame shop. So repairs won't start for about two weeks. And while it was sitting at the tow yard, someone stole the bedrug out of the back. Bass-turds But insurance said they'd work with me on that. I took some more pics yesterday too. My brother said that the tow hook up front saved me and my truck from worse damage. I don't know though.
  18. Thanks guys. I'm doing much better. I still have a knot on my head, my hand is sore, eyelid is scarred, and I have a numb spot on my knee(I think thats kinda of cool though ). I just heard from insurance today...they're going to fix the truck. They estimated damage at about 10,000. I'm going to try and get it to a body shop tomorrow and get the repairs going. Thanks again guys...and for those of you wondering, the dog made it out fine.
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