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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. sometimes.. Not mine.. if i remember it's Bryan's from PCM4LESS
  2. what would really if you found out that he borrowed the truck from his grandson
  3. I'M not to picky, just a nice clean 65 Impala 2 door..have owned 9 of them over the years and still a sweet car to drive..
  4. this is nothing.. some years back they wanted to ban BBQ's YES ban them. if your BBQ did not have a catalytic converter on the top of your grill YOU could go to jail..also tried to out law waxing your vehicles anytime unless you used a special wax that did not give off gasses... CALIFORNIA, the land of shiny cars, and BBQ's would cease to exist ..GOD I'm really starting to hate this place
  5. i know my XM sometimes will not display and still works. changing from XM to FM to AM and back sometimes clears it up. dealer said one time it was a programing issue, but i never followed up on it.. good luck
  6. Im in Daggett, just east of Bar Stool.. i mean Barstow
  7. install a catch can in your PVC line. if you are still getting a lot of oil in the can, you might want to look into where all the blow by is coming from.. good luck
  8. very interesting research...BUT do you remember this guy?
  9. Shetland sheep dog (Sheltie) Shetland Sheepdog Breed Profile The Shetland Sheep dog, or “Sheltie” as it is affectionately known, originated from the Shetland Islands where it was used by crofters as a sheep dog. Few Shelties are used today for their original purpose as sheep dogs, but those people who have worked them vouch for their incredible stamina and instinctive ability to herd. They were first introduced into Australia in 1936. Often referred to as a miniature Collie, the Shetland Sheep dog certainly has the overall appearance of the Rough Collie, however, it is a breed in its own right and possesses some minor distinguishing features, apart from the obvious size difference. AVERAGE LIFESPAN Shetland Sheepdogs live from between 12 to 16 years of age. AVERAGE SIZE & WEIGHT 35cm to 37cm 6kg to 7kg BREED PERSONALITY, CHARACTERISTICS & TEMPERAMENT Although rather a small dog, the Shetland Sheep dog is certainly not fragile. When feed was in short supply on the farms, the original Shelties were ferried on to small outlying islands with a flock of sheep and left for long periods to guard the flock and fend for themselves. Only the hardy would have been able to survive. When brought back to the farms after such isolation, the dogs would thrive on attention and affection. It is probably this part of their history that makes them so devoted to their owners, but suspicious of intruders and intent on protecting the family. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER PETS Excellent. It can live happily with the family cat and will get along with most other dogs. CARE REQUIREMENTS The Shetland Sheep dog's glamorous jacket requires surprisingly little attention. A brush and a comb behind the ears each week will keep it in good condition. The breed's double coat enables it to adapt to both hot and cold weather, the second layer (undercoat) giving insulation against both heat and cold. PLEASE TAKE NOTE While the Shetland Sheep dog is certainly capable of barking, it is also smart enough to be trained not to bark unnecessarily. It makes an excellent watchdog and will alert you to visitors or unusual occurrences. IDEAL OWNERS Almost anyone will benefit from owning a Shetland Sheepdog. The ideal owner is someone who understands the need for occasional grooming. we use to bread them, great dogs
  10. acts like some of the crack heads i see on the street corner every day going to work..
  11. it would be nice if it really works.. i have a Shell station down the road from me next to a ARCO station, and Shell is .40+ ct more per gal. so I'm sticking with ARCO.
  12. putting a used front diff. in will not do much good. with all the issues with 03-04 front ends, all you will probably get is another bad unit..tell them to rebuild it, or talk to my lawyers good luck
  13. have you ever seen what's it in a loaf of wheat bread besides the bugs, there is all the 4 legged critters that can not get away from the combines ..i think it time for a BBJ on whole wheat for lunch
  14. don't feel bad, I've had bifocals for over 12 yrs. you know it's bad when you have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and we need to bring your glasses
  15. also check to see if one of your tranny lines is to close to your exhaust/header pipe. good luck
  16. there is also a 40 amp fuse that also needs to be installed in the engine compartment fuse box.
  17. time to replace your cluster. it's a common problem with 03-04s good luck
  18. I'm not up on events down there, so could someone fill me in on whats going on to start all this. BTW. glad your wife OK..
  19. you should be able to get one at Home Depot if they damaged it, then they should be liable for it good luck
  20. had my cluster replaced and the pcm was not touched. i have had a tune in mine since Feb.04 been to the dealers for warranty work, and all services, and never had the pcm re flashed maybe I'm just lucky..
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