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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. had mine replaced last year under warranty, been good ever since
  2. most cars built in the last 10 yrs. a slim Jim will most likely not work. most have a plate around the lock rods that you move with the slim Jim, to unlock the door. but there are special tools that can be used to by pass the plates, LOCK OUT KITS used by most tow co., and lock smith.. there is also different kits for specific makes/models. it takes a lot of practice to use them. my preferred weapon of choice is a long rod and air wedge, almost any vehicle in and out in 30 sec.. the only other thing people can do to stop people from stealing your vehicle sorry to say, is Owen a POS that nobody would want..
  3. i towed my travel trailer at 6800 lbs. dry weight with no issues. just make sure you use a weight distribution hitch set up properly..and your brake controller working and set right. i do not tow very often, but the SS will do fine WITH IN IT'S TOWING LIMITS... good luck
  4. this is when i got home today.. was at work at 1130 and temp was 126*.. working 25 mi. south of Death Valley, and there is NO sign if it getting any cooler. anyone else cooking
  5. and get rid of the blowmaster and TB spacer..
  6. packing...found out Thurs. that i have to go to Ft MCCOY WI in the morning. over 1800 mi from here for work. taking a 3000 gal pump truck and trailers there for a new contract we got. the SS can't go should be back in about 10 days.. the GOOD part, is i get paid for ALL hours gone, straight time, time 1/2 and double time maybe when i get back i might be able to afford to fill my gas tank.. anything to do up there besides freeze...been 110+ here
  7. got to love old school customs..
  8. they must be the size of King Kong's but i would love to try this http://youtube.com/watch?v=dST-a5IU_h4&feature=related
  9. my stockers were cracking on the side walls also, found out it was the tire shine crap the car wash used on the tires got a free set of Komo's out of it..
  10. it may look clean but you can still have a fine layer of dust/oil on the wires that you can not see. my question..i clean mine often when reinstalling it, does it matter where the wires are passioned? running from 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock.. 12-6 if you under stand what I'm asking, or it doesn't matter thanks
  11. up in the high desert in Daggett. 8 mi east of Barstow, 1 mi. south of Peggy Sue's
  12. well you can put on a 4" fart can, and call it Bumble Bee... good luck with it..
  13. there was a member here about 5+ yrs. ago who had his shaft come apart on his AV on a dyno. can't remember what the out come was, but he was looking for a custom shaft that would hold up to high RPM's...i think it was NAKED AV..
  14. this is my .02.. NSFW.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=9KVTfcAyYGg&feature=related
  15. the only bad thing about a locking gas cap, is 95% of after market caps use only about 6 different key combinations. when i was driving the wrecker, i carried a double key looked like 2 keys end to end, and there was not one cap that i could not unlock..the only other would be to fab up some 3/16"+ plate and box in your fuel tank here gas has just gone up .26 per. gal in less than 4 days
  16. might be a little more than you want to spend
  17. should be fine. i towed 6500lb. from NY-CA just keep an eye on the trans temp and keep about 55-60 mph, and enjoy the trip
  18. can't view..said I'm not old enough.. have tried before to log into it but ALL my user names are taken no matter what combo i use...SO what did i miss
  19. have you pissed off anybody lately???. all that in a short time i would start with a locking gas cap. and start trouble shooting all your grounds, and test your voltage to the pump/injectors good luck
  20. so, what is the fix, precaution, need to be looked at closely during maintenance. did GM give any hint as what THERE going to do to keep this from happening again? thanks for the info.
  21. tooo many people watching porn on their DVD players......
  22. how big was the box truck you hit? luck he didn't have a D.O.T bar or you would be looking at a possible total.. good luck on the repairs
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