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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. mine was never installed by the dealer in NY when i bought the truck new..still have not installed it yet, it is still in the plastic wrap. i get the head snap from the cops here when i pass them, but not pulled over. but i have a Department Of Defence sticker on the windshield, maybe that helps a little..
  2. i may be one of the few that don't like corsa. to raspy, and TOOO over priced
  3. i would go 1 5/8 large enough to help your bottom end power if your semi stock. FI i would go 1 3/4 spend the extra $$ and get them coated..will last a lot longer than paint, and will keep the heat inside the tube where you want it.. good luck
  4. i would get another estimate on the truck.. the alleged best of anything is ALWAYS way over priced. work with your insurance co. on by back. a little hint.. when i was towing there was 2 body shops here that we would tow for. both would jack up the est. on a wreck if the vehicle was something special, insurance would total it, and they would buy it fix it for little money and labor and resell it for a large profit. i would get a second opinion.. BTW..how fast were you going to do $12K in damage good luck
  5. it's hitting a lot of semi porn sites..oh well it would be funny if the one with the gun, was bragging to his homies that he pulled a gun on a bunch of white boys, and taught them respect us..and they see a skinny kid with goofy red paints WHOOP his @ss
  6. this is Vincent..A.K.A Vinnie Da Rat also 3 cats, and about 20+ ducks
  7. i have not read the article, site locked up my PC.. but i can understand from the posts, that a Maj. refuses deployment? this issue was raised during Desert Shield also. personal from reserves refusing orders to deploy for training, then deployment. they were going over the hill by the bus loads. i have worked a better part of 29 years at the National Training Center Fort Irwin Ca. we had 9 charter buses stolen one night from post. when found they were loaded with reservist refusing to stay and be deployed. over 350 personal, and NOT A DAMN THING HAPPENED TO THEM the army just sent them home...IMO, nothing will happen to this Maj. I'm old school Army, my a@@ was drafted.(73-75 Nam 75-79 THAiland/ Cambodian border and other s**t holes in South East Asia) and if anyone refused to be shipped out, your new mailing address would be Leavenworth, when finished at the iron bar inn, you received a BCD bad conduct discharged and sent packing. i under stand it is a voluntary military now, and a softer, and gentler army, but DAMN how soft do they need to be. he needs to be taken out back and i see a lot of fine troops at work every day, and it sucks that a OFFICER would disgrace these fine people ..my rant is over now but it still burnes my a@@
  8. while your at it clean your TB. good luck
  9. I'll stick with our So Cal earth quakes. those wam-bam thank you mam type of disasters
  10. the media MAKE the news, not report it... the actions of Mr Freeman were written in the book, We Were Soldiers Once And Young. or those of you who have seen the movie We Were Soldiers. all i can say is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Freeman
  11. 13 years for me was easy for me. after being a HEAVY drinker most of my life, i was turning into someone i did not like, in myself and in other people. a nasty DRUNK..against family, friends, anyone who got in my way. so one day i just said F**k it and quit. best thing i have ever done.. now if i can quite smoking that easy, i would be a lot better off... good luck
  12. you got a agency hold on your truck got to be more too this..
  13. after you take care of the rear, and you still have a noise, CHECK your front diff. my 03 had 190 mi. on it when i picked it up, and it had what we all thought was a rear pinion bearing bad. after 3 rebuilds, and a complete rear change, we found that it WAS THE FRONT DIFF that was shot..the sound was traveling Thur the drive line.. this was the start of GM's first hand run in with bad front diffs on 03-04 SSs good luck
  14. well # 3 is Gale Storm. some of us old farts might remember her http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CA_...EMPLATE=DEFAULT well there's three i wounder who's next
  15. i have the Volant also with the ram air tube. installed it almost 5 yrs. ago, and never had any sign of water in my box.. been thinking over the years of sealing up the the fender opening. not totally, but about 90% my AIT around town is running about 10* above ambient temp, but on the highway over 50 mph it will drop to about 4* above.. so thinking it should drop around town temp a bit and still not act like a straw in the rain..
  16. sweet vid... had the opportunity of seeing one of there shows live, and it was worth every penny, hours long traffic jams, and bad sun burn.. here's some pics.. i can't leave out FAT ALBERT..
  17. LBTL... i agree, been around here for a while and they wounder why i have NOT newed my membership..
  18. how many miles have you put on it since you changed it. when i did my exhaust, it felt like i lost some also. give the pcm time to adjust to the better flow...
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