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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. That would be the guy Chase races at Fontana... and that truck is absolutely INSANE in person.
  2. Hes absolutely full of shit. The biggest Chevy dealers in the US don't have their hands on them yet... and theres no way that an LS2 equipped maro is going to price out at $54k, they have confirmed there will be a v6 version, and smack him for me when you see him.
  3. Sounds like the one Chase runs against at Fontana on occasion... if so I believe he is the fastest SRT10 around... not sure if hes a RC or a QC truck.
  4. The gauges are supposed to mimic the older style square gauges in the early camaros... I don't love em... don't hate em either... what makes me sad is the fact that that trailer already has a auto equiped, cloth interior, V6 on it... I wish they wouldn't even offer those.
  5. another vote for labs... but I say Chocolate > Black This is Stuart (Stu for short) and Peetie Stu is a BIG lab. American line... and mostly muscle... very much a protector and very territorial. Labs are known to be much bigger lovers than fighters, but I've watched this stud beat the tar out of a pit and a shepard stray who tried to wander into our yard... Hes like SUPER LAB or something when hes on duty, but a snuggly lover when its just him and the family: Peetie (our english line) on the other hand is convinced hes not a dog... hes a person. Has no real interest in playing fetch or doing "dog stuff" hes content to sit in the patio chairs and drink a beer... damn does that dog love beer. Unlike his buddy Stu, Peetie would never fight... he'd rather just play with anyone or anything that shows up
  6. I'd assume so... I don't think the vette is up for any redesign in the next few years seeing as the new platform was introduced in 2005 and the ZR1 won't hit roads until the end of this year.
  7. Just waiting to find time to do it... I've been hammered lately (as always) but hopefully soon. LMK on the maro and the truck... I've got a couple of bimmers booked this coming weekend, but I'm open after that.
  8. Merzees does phenomenal work, congrats... bet it wasn't cheap. Welcome to the site.
  9. most of the time yes... for super close up shots like the flags or the z51 badge its almost a necessity... the slightest movement will usually result in a blurred image or out of focus shot. I actually shoot a lot of time w/ the tripod and use my shutter remote for the camera... that way not even the action of pushing the button on the camera results in a shakey image. I have a really nice aluminum manfrotto tripod right now really makes a huge difference in the quality of my shots.
  10. My dad had been bugging me to take some updated pics of his new ride since hes lowered it (more) , tinted the windows, added the badges, etc... so I struck a deal with him today... I got to drive it around all day and before it got dark he'd have some nice shots of his vette... man what a blast this thing is to drive Kinda pissed the sun got blotted out by the clouds so I couldn't get good lighting, but the pics came out decent, this color just looks a lot better when the sun hits it w/ all the flake. Anyways... enjoy.
  11. WOW... did he ever come back after the first page... those guys nailed him QUICK!!
  12. pssst... you should see whats on my ipod.
  13. HOLY HELL!!! Thats some rainman level shit right there... I never even beat GHII... speaking of which anyone wanna buy a slightly used copy of Guitar Hero II and the wired controller to go with it.
  14. The flash is an sb600 or 800... remember off the top of my head. I thought that seemed odd too... but given the 9' ceilings in my house I'm thinking that those shadows were not a result of the flash but maybe the ambient light and the flash is either too early or too late... I'm still messing around with it, but I'll hit you up if I have any questions.
  15. Nice... I use my 18-200vr about 99% of the time... that is a very versatile lens IMO. I myself have learned to shoot in full manual mode... hard to get used too, but once you do the end results are amazing.
  16. Just testing a new lens out... its a 50mm Nikkor lens. Decided since its the holidays and I'll be shooting much more indoors I needed something better suited to that. Its a PITA trying to get decent indoor pics with a 200mm VR zoom lens... kinda realized this while taking shots of the family at thanksgiving when everything came out shitty. Still gotta perfect my indoor lighting technique... tried bouncing the flash off the ceiling in these, but they still came out a tad over exposed IMO and I don't like the shadows behind everything... guess its nothing I can't fix with a little time in CS2. BTW... Tanner is big on the Cars movie right now... only reason behind the justification of NASCAR style PJ's.
  17. Because you have white this is safe b/c its damn near impossible to see swirls and scratches on pure white. If you were to do this on any other color you'd be introducing HUGE amounts of scratches, swirls, and haze to your paint. Thats not to say its not present on your truck... you just can't see it on white. Stubborn bugs are best treated with a product that will break down the proteins and loosen them from the surface before you attempt to scrub. There are TONS of products out there that are safe to use.... I personally like Turtle Wax's Bug & Tar Remover... I would stay clear of Stoners B&TR, there have been tons of complaints that it discolored headlights and plastics... probably a bit too strong. For lighter bug contaminents you can get away with a simple wash using a foam wash pad like these from Adams b/c they will not introduce new scratches to the paint. http://www.adamspolishes.com/p-52-foam-wash-pad.aspx After washing you will undoubtedly have some residual specs from the bugs... attack those with claybar and/or a cleaner polish/wax... follow up with your preferred wax for protection. TIP: Keeping a HEAVY coat of a quality polymer sealer on the front end of your truck will make bug removal much easier. If you live in an area with a lot of bugs its typically best to apply a coat or 2 with EVERY wash to maintain a good protective layer. Products like Optiseal, REJEX, DER Shiney, etc offer a very strong polymer based seal to the paint and keep bugs from sticking too well. Think of it as greasing a pan before cooking.
  18. This isn't so much a fix as it is a cover up... the oils in peanut butter simply mask the dried wax stuck in the crevices of textured/corrugated plastic... same with WD40 or silicone based tire shine. A few hot days or a couple washes later the problem will come back. To really REMOVE the wax you need to use something that will break down (emulsify) the residue. Using undiluted concentrated soap (I like Optimum car wash), strong dish soap, or full strength undiluted APC directly on the spot will do the trick. When I say undilluted I mean NO WATER AT ALL... pour the soap directly onto the spot or dip your finger in the soap and apply to the spot. Let the soap or cleaner dwell for a few moments. Use a stiff bristle brush to agitate the area, a cheap toothbrush will work well, and rinse away with lots of water. Make sure to get any and all residual soap/cleaner off of the surface and avoid letting it spend much time if any on the paint. Follow up with a WATER BASED dressing (no silicone or alcohol containing products)... the cleaning will likely strip the area of any protection it had so it may take a few applications of dressing to bring it back to match the rest of the surrounding plastics sheen.
  19. Good lookin truck if it were a tad lower... and definitely not yellow... but like Chase said... their pigs. The latest generation of F150 isn't ever gonna be competitive its just too damn heavy. The Saleens, Rouchs, etc all cost an arm and a leg for performance that won't beat a stock Silvy SS and if it will, just barely.
  20. If you were 'privi' to anything then maybe you should edit the first statement to "WAS a drug dealing crip member" Do you honestly think a guy with his level of income has anything to do with the crips or drug dealing anymore?? C'mon...
  21. I guess my current job would qualify as "factory" though we refer to it as a production facility. I'm working for Avery Dennison (ranked 412 on the Fortune 500) as part of the FRNA (fasson roll north america) division. Our facility is all finishing... we slit bulk pressure sensitive materials into finished rolls for customers... I promise you have at least 1 product I've touched in your home and your office right now... if not hundreds. We provide the material for all of Budweisers bottle labels, most wine labels, postage stamps, tire labels, lumber labels, yadda yadda yadda... After the first of the year I'll be moving into my new position as part of the OPNA management team (office products north america) working out of the west coast distribution center. It was cool to get this job b/c I basically started as a finishing tech a year ago... I wanted to learn this company from the bottom up b/c this will probably be the place I spend the remainder of my working years. Its such a huge company with so many divisions and holdings that the possibilities are damn near endless. To make all this boring talk interesting I'll include a vid... this is a 2.6mil plastic based material... its 78" wide in bulk, roughly 15k liner feet, about 10k lbs and we were slitting it down to 6.5" rolls on the front... the plastic has a high energy content so it starts to generate a lot of static at speed... this was rolling at about 2000 feet per minute this stuff will shock the hell out of ya if you touch it before discharging.
  22. Anyone who thinks Snoop has been "hood" in the last decade hasn't met him in person... the 'fo shizzle' shit is all a facade... he was a client at my last job and the guy is as not ghetto as you can get... he doesn't talk like he does in interviews or videos... he talks like a normal dude... other than the way he looks and the MASSIVE pile of kine bud that was on his kitchen counter at all times the guy is no different than any of us. I for one dig that he experiments with his music, and this looks to be more of a experiment/funny type thing... I doubt hes gonna release an entire album of funky 70's style slow jams. Wow... just wow... cop or not that a hell of a statement to be making about a person I seriously doubt you've ever met in person.
  23. Well.. that officially makes me someone who WON'T be watching the show... would've been a prime opportunity for GM to showcase a TA concept or at least put a blacked out 09 Camaro in there. BOOOO!!! The REAL K.I.T.T. is not a mustang!! IMPOSTOR!!
  24. Sounds like a BS excuse to have a seperate part for the SS... the VHO/VMAX, SS are identical under the hood so there should be no difference in parts.
  25. Fully loaded 80gig ipod so too much to list... but the one CD in it right now (b/c I haven't ripped it to the ipod yet) is Dropkick Murphys - The Meanest of Times.
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