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Everything posted by RacerJJ

  1. 4000 in a little over a year! I've been desperately trying for 1000 since '04! Thanks for the freebie!
  2. What is a res tube??? If you are refering to the bladder on the intake tube, yes they do not make them with those anymore.
  3. Great job with the truck Jon! It was great seeing that thjing run in person.
  4. Art...I want a cowl induction hood from carbon! Can you make that???
  5. Welcome aboard! If you own a house, take out a 2nd mortgage NOW!!!
  6. RacerJJ


    A turbo or a super charger will pick you up for sure but there is no reason a NA motor with the right tuning and a cam can't produce mid to low 13 second times regularly.
  7. you need to tune the volumetric efficiencies (VE) tables. Now that I've told you that, I don't know how to do it! Contact some of the more experienced tuners here and they will lead you in the right direction.
  8. Don't mix the flavored with the non! The expensive non-flavored ones will begin to take on the flavored taste and that's a
  9. I know the older models had some screwy plug in security device under the dash but I've never looked to see if my SS has it. Anyway, sometimes those deals get dislodged or vibrate out a bit and it could have just been the way the truck was sitting. Just a thought. The other day at the track, I was in a mad dash to fix my dipstick tube that had become loose (don't ask) and I went to start the truck and it just clicked. I turned the key off and tried again and it fired right up. Sometimes I think the computer is napping and takes a second to wake its ass up.
  10. I smoke them whenever I can. You can't go wrong with anything from Davidoff. They are said to be some of the best non-Cuban's out there. I like smoking a pipe every now and then. Nothing says "pimp" like a nice pipe and a smoking jacket!
  11. Not today or Saturday. I'll be there Sunday announcing.
  12. Sorry Jimmy, that's a new for me. I would guess that a fuse went out. What does it sound like when you try to start it?
  13. RacerJJ


    Ask your tuner just to send you your file in an email. You won't be able to open the attachment but you can then send it to someone like zippy or some of the other more race-minded tuners here and they can fix it up for you. It definitely shouldn't cost you anywhere near $400 again. That's kind of high to begin with IMO. I would help you out but I don't know how to tune for a cam. Sorry. Good luck...There are several ohter tuners around that I'm sure would love to help you.
  14. Glad to see you've crossed over from the dark side! Imports serve a purpose in this world...to save gas and that's about it. Welcome to the site and good luck tracking down your blue SSS.
  15. RacerJJ


    Those are great but I sense a problem somewhere. I run that in the 1/8 and I have the same 60's without a cam? Just a thought. Great times otherwise!
  16. I was a complete idiot and bought my SSS at the dealership shortly after they came out. What a waste of money! There are several great deals on this site and elsewhere for some great trucks. I absolutely love my truck and I try not to pay attention to the payment and all of the money I've spent on it. At the track, I get more attention with my 14 second truck than some of the most expensive, fast , and nicest vehicles around. It's really amazing but people love these things. You'll be happy you have one when you get it. Good Luck and welcome to the club!
  17. Via email. I can't find an adress or phone number anywhere on their site.
  18. I just want to get EFI Live! I tried contacting the company about sponsorship but they are hard to get a hold of since they are overseas. I think a sponsorship from a tuning company would be a great fit for the exposure I can get them.
  19. "I'm thinking of a number........"Link Not the most accurate but pretty close.
  20. RacerJJ


    You only really need an upgraded cooler if you install a higher stall torque converter but it never hurts to put a bigger and better one in. They are reletively cheap and easy to install.
  21. I'm in Rancho Cucamonga where there are no large incidents yet. It seems that every time there are fires like this, the foothills near my house have one too so I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I heard of a small one out my way earlier today but I haven't heard any updates. My prayers are with the San Diegans and everyone else in Cali that is feeling the effects of all of this. Arsonists should be
  22. But to save you some time...go to byunspeed.com and get the Pacesetters. Easy instal, good price.
  23. Well, I kicked some serious Ford ass this weekend out at Fontana. I finished in the quater finals of my two bracket classes taking home some cash and I was qualified 8th in the Tough Truck class but we never got to run because Sunday was cancelled due to high winds (100 mph at times). The LT's and my new tune definitely woke things up. I ran consistently betweeen 14.02 and 14.10 depending on which way the wind blew and the density altitude. In similar conditions previously, I would be running between 14.20 and 14.25.
  24. Congrats Dave! I'll be joining you in about 6 weeks.
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