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Everything posted by RacerJJ

  1. I went last year and I am spending part of my honeymoon there this December. You are going to love it. It is the most beautiful and laid back island there is. The snorkeling is great at the farthest north point that you can drive to. Ke'ei Beach I believe it's called. If you are near Poipu, you must, and I mean must find where Puka Dog is and have one. It is THE best hotdog on the planet, hands down (sorry New York and Chicago guys). Congrats and have a great time!
  2. Thank you! That was the stuff I was looking for.
  3. I know for a fact I already have an extra xxl so it's all yours! You can come pick it up in Vegas when I'm there or I can send it. Whatever you want.
  4. Ok, I put on my Thundervolt wires, fixed my tune with Reynaldo's super tune up and installed the LT's with new exhaust. I drove my truck around a bit today and it has this weird odor, kinda like burning corn or something. Is this normal with the new headers? I also painted all of the welds and flanges on my exhaust with high-heat paint. What gives??? My wires aren't burning and the truck ran bitchin'. Your insight is appreciated!
  5. I'll be in Vegas the second weekend in October for the Division 7 Finals. Come by the track and say
  6. RacerJJ

    Change Avatar

    I guess it just takes some time. Thanks!
  7. RacerJJ

    Change Avatar

    I changed it but it's not showing up in my posts
  8. Okay, I can't figure out how to host it as a webpage so read the text and imagine these pics... At the top of each page and really big on the first page. Under the big logo on the first page. Sorry, this is so terrible! If someone can help me post this better, I'd appreciate it.
  9. I know but the pics make the document! Without the pics, it's just some crappy story about myself!
  10. Okay, nevermind. I can't get the attachement to work. Can we attach word documents here?
  11. I use this for sponsorship proposals to help with my racing efforts. It isn't finished yet (the last page is a collage in progress). Your suggestions and opinions are encouraged! Double__J__Racing.Final.htm
  12. I think so. I believe they should fit any ls1.
  13. My brother is sort of the team manager so he is looking into iwhether the maker of the shirt will sell them independently. If not, I am hoping that the team ordered some extra to sell. If they did, I'll try to buy them all up and we'll go from there. I should have some more info by the end of the day. Thanks for all of your interest. That is really nice that you all are willing to support me like this. I was only expecting to share the picture and I never imagined this type of response so I give my sincerest thanks.
  14. I think I can contact someone. I'll see what ican do. I know I had to pay a very discounted price for my extras that I got. I'll let you know.
  15. If I could get any more I would give them away but I was limited to how many I could get. Sorry.
  16. This is the Team shirt for my home track (Fontana) where I won the championship last year.
  17. He could come to the track day at Fontana and do some dragstrip tuning.
  18. Installation was cake from underneath. The whole project with spark plug change took about 3 hours.
  19. How do you run the time in your sig at a track without a loop??? That is very illeagal according to NHRA rules. Sorry to hear about your luck Chase. I would recommend a driveshaft loop for you too while things are apart.
  20. Bracket racing consistency and maximum performance for my set-up. chpspecial is going to help me out this week and if we can't get it figured out, Excelsior is next. Thanks for the info.
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