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Everything posted by f1ss

  1. ^^^^^^^^^ That sounds very similar to what I did when I was doing landscaping. Down a water 1st thing in the morning wether it was on the way to the shop, or just having one in the kitchen. I would follow the day through with gatorade/propel like you, but some reason I am one thirsty son of a gun so I would have about 2-3 more gatorades/propels to last me till 5pm, if we were going late we would take a quick break at 5 and some would get coffee and some gatorade/propels. I never figured it out if it was the sugar that had me drinking more gatorades, or just the combo of 90 degree heat and labor work. Those Propels are so small I was drinking 6 a day easily.
  2. Wow, to see a newb talking shit to elite members I would like to take time out of this guys thread who thinks he owns the forum and say thank you to 2BFast and sprayed99, you have been helpfull to me in the past many times.
  3. Well I guess the Obama thread got someone's attention, but apparentley one member ripping off others isnt. Also havent seen Norcal on in awhile.
  4. Im with Mr. P, unless you completely take the truck apart and put it back together, its worthless. I had a quote for 15 grand to take apart the truck, treat it with Por-15, and then reassemble. I didnt trust the workers as they just saw $$$ looking at me as most people would not do this, they would just rust out the vehicle and get a newer one.
  5. Video looks great, truck sounds awesome
  6. Por15 or go spend a little money on a junker (thats your best bet).
  7. Hey, my dad drives a Titan and he's a straight ****
  8. I just know when I spoke to Paul Santiago at Corsa, I asked him about the Db series vs. the Touring/Pro setups. He said they were made of the same materials as the touring and pro, however when looking on the Corsa site when you look up exhausts the page for the Db series shows a z-71 truck. When looking at the Touring and Pro pages, you see an SS pictured. He said he would only recomend running a touring or pro on a SS/6 litre engine. I have seen 2 members on here with the Db series (one being close but the member was selling his truck back a few years). But havent been able to get any word about them performing on the VHO. I do know that Billy Boat has smaller exhaust pipes than our stock truck does, so maybe true duals like you stated would work with these mufflers. Only one way to find out.....
  9. that r/c shark is sweet, no joke my buddy had a 20+ foot great white pass under his boat sunday, have it on camara. Now if I had that r/c shark thing I could have really messed with the real shark.
  10. I like the idea of going back to stock 20s and powder coating them grey. If I chose an aftermarket wheel, American Racing Torque Thrust ST Rims (they always looked mean on these trucks) or the BBS RD-Truck (look similar to Krambo's rims).
  11. I meant that should be a topic pinned for newbs, an idea as a thread basically, as it is one of the questions asked weekly. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. I meant to say we need a sticky video/sound clip for each exhaust.
  13. The Db series were for the 5300 vortec's. Im going to call them up though, thats a steal. I want my regular stock pipes also, thank you sir.
  14. We need some sound clips, Im sure their are very lightly modded SS' on this site that can provide simple sound clips. This is what your truck will sound like with a corsa....with a magnaflow....with a gibson....billy boat....mbrp....flowmaster....flowmonster....
  15. Might have to dew the dew or try the monster drinks...
  16. He needs to pay like the vendor he is, or get out. No shortcutting. This has been going on too long imo.
  17. jddmj- will try the apple juice, thanks 4 the advice ruben- i hear ya, only thing working is coffee yet
  18. Ive seen this truck driving through NH. Im with Icon.
  19. I like 20s personally, not a fan of big rims. I like the look of the SS with 20s on a 2/2 drop, and I also like 22s SS reps on the stock SS height. With what your describing I would stay with 20s so you can go off roading and tow. I know all too well about bad roads here in the northeast. I think personally think 20s are your best bet, still have clearance and wont have to worry about bending your rims as much as 22s. Just my opinion, good luck choosing
  20. I hear you on the coffe situation and it upsetting your stomach. I have a hiatal hernia, gerd and an ulcer so it wrecks my stomach but just trying to get back on a normal schedule until my shoulders are fixed. Any specific type of water you like? I was a Poland Springs guy but recentley their water has been tasting bunk. So I switched to smart water infused with electrolytes, very good h2o. edit - 05on20s you might want to consider a reverse osmosis filter for your house, ppm gets down to 01 or even less, I was amazed to see this when our local water has carcinogens that cause cancer, so the town built a filtration plant, and it broke down the 1st year. Got to love taxes
  21. So I thought this was kind of interesting, I never was a coffee drinker up until recently due to no sleep. Needed something to keep me up during the day in hopes I would fall asleep at night. If I didnt drink the coffee I would fall asleep during the day messing with my bodies sleep/awake schedule. I usually pull 48-72 hours awake easily due to some injuries. So I have been drinking about 2-3 pots of coffee every morning in hopes to stay awake and fall asleep at night, but only sometimes it keeps me awake. Just normal iced with cream and sugar, extra strong. So my question is, what do you drink first thing in the AM? Before coffee I always had prune or plumb juice along with the V8 fuzion (acai berry or bannana strawberry). So lets hear it!
  22. OEM for the win, with the 05 front brake upgrade and s/s lines. Cant lose when they will last you over 100k miles.
  23. Why did you stop at 6500rpms? I dont think you can say "it would have been more" if you didnt test it past those rpms. I just see bias info like in your other post. Assuming is the mother of all mess ups.
  24. I was at the dealership getting my speaker replaced or it was the 50k service I honestly cant remember, but they called me out and said it was done. The guy gave me the keys and said "its right out front." Walk out the 2 big bay doors and see a Z-71. 1st I thought they gave my truck to the wrong guy, it was a black z-71 also. Went back in to my guy at the desk and I said theirs no SS out their, just a z-71 and he laughed. Theirs a 3rd bay garage door on the side of the dealership where they bring out the nicer GM models (SS editions, Pro Sports, vettes). So I walk around the corner and damn i was relieved to see it sitting their after they had just given it a quick wash. One thing I should have realized right off the bat was they gave me my keys with the Viper security system fob.
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