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Everything posted by desrtrat

  1. if its air tight at the box, then what ever you do, do not go Thur a puddle because the tube will act like a straw and such water up it...
  2. had mine replaced when i had only 190 mi on it. i have 41k on it now with no issues at all. 03-early 04s had issues with bad parts from the supplier, and from what i was told some bad cases. out of spec.
  3. PN#: 12498301 dealer installed it for me...free
  4. i know on the rear of most trucks that i have to pull the drive shaft to tow then, the factory is putting blue or yellow loctite on the bolts. do not know about the frount ones.
  5. is there a way to check the voltage going to that injector? i would think there has to be a set voltage that it could be not getting
  6. better now, than after you say I DO... if your still bummed out this is my motto that i live by... there is no problem, real or imagined, that can not be rectified with the proper amount of high explosives.. so go find a empty house, and a 100 lbs. of C-4 and put a on your face.....BOOOOM...
  7. should of called for a tow truck first...
  8. they can squeak when going bad. most time you will hear them clicking on acceleration, or you can have a vibration in the drive line.
  9. more money than brains..you would figure most people would learn after the K-rail, but not that a** someone will die, and it will be some poor kid, at the wrong place/wrong time..
  10. some of the best dogs someone would ever have, is a pound pup i have had 2 of them and i still think they know that there time is almost up, and they will give you there life time in thanks...
  11. must of pissed off someone, vids been pulled....
  12. she was linked to Bob Denver's dope bust years ago, but could not get enough evidence on her, even when she was sending him his weed Thur the mail, with her owne return address on the package...
  13. I'm still undecided, we DEFFINETLY..DO NOT WANT 2 Clinton's in the white house. can you just picture Hillary as president, and SLICK WILLIE as VP.. I'll see what happens just before elections to decide in who gets my vote. both have good points and bad.
  14. now most times you can get a PSA (if i remember right) blood test for prostate check. keep track of your # and every year if they start going up, you know it's time. my dad gets free testing every year, and they caught hie early enough that they gust used some local cemo and meds and he is fine..at 83 his younger brother was not so lucky. found his to late. he made it Thu, but had to be gutted like a fish to survive. so I'm looking at a 97% chance of getting it, and a 92% chance of dieing from if. it is hereditary. .... so all of you GET YOUR A** checked out... and you ladies ALL know what needs to be checked also..
  15. i bought the SS for comfort, and stile. I'll get on it every now and then getting on the freeway. if i wanted to beat on something I'd find a old Chevy II with a worked 327 for that..
  16. when i use to drink, quit 10 yrs. ago Lowenbrau dark was my choice, not cold, but just chilled. as for hard stuff, brandy and coke with NO ice...
  17. I'm on old RT 66 every day (National Trails Highway) our shop is on the corner of it. the road Thur from Barstow to Needles is not to bad. you will have to get on I-40 east at the gate to MCLB Marine Corps Logistic Base, they DO NOT allow Thur traffic in any more. get off at the next exit which is NEBO, make a left at the stop, and it will be a clear shot to Needles CA. about 130 mi. past Barstow, for places to see, http://www.calicotown.com/ about 5 mi north of National Trails Highway and A st in Daggett. IMO it is worth the trip if your into that kind of thing.. next spot is The World Famous http://www.lppublishing.com/bagdadcafe/ made the movie of the same name there..if you stop there, DON'T EAT THE FOOD take my word on this, i work across the street, and the help there are a low life tweekers... next stop is Ludlow, not much there. the cafe there across from the chevron station has nice food there. ALSO GET GAS the next gas is in Essex about 75 mi. or you can run out and call me, and we can bring out 2 gal for you, but we charge $195.00 prh. hr. to deliver it Amboy will be the next stop, about 50 mi. east of Ludlow, i believe the population is about 30 people living there.. http://www.rt66roys.com/ is also at Amboy. go east to Essex and you find I-40 to Needles now if your going around Sept. the day time temps are anywhere from 105-118*+ Amboy is a lot hotter at night than most places still over 100* at 9pm. bring PLENTY of water with you. if you break down it can take a couple of hrs. to get someone out there. also cel phones SUCK out there, not good reception so good luck on your trip, and while you drive in your A/C car, just think what it was like going Thur the Mojave desert in the 30s in a model T... PS.. be careful of your speed, the road is very bumpy and pot holed...
  18. for CA this about the best you can get right now, until TOG gets back into business. check with Summit on price..these are mids, not as good as LTs but better than shorty's..
  19. just be thankful of this global warming...
  20. there is a white Z28 up here in the Victorville area on I-15 only has 1 small antenna on it. CHP has been running speed enforcement on the I-15 around Hodge RD. for a while now. a couple days ago i saw 8 CHP units and 1 air craft working that area. there was no less than 12 cars, trucks, and a motor home pulled over when i went Thur.... SO any SoCal forks going to Vegas WATCH YOUR A@@
  21. here is some info. on E 85. I'm all for clean air, but it may cost less NOW to buy than gas, but i see it going as high as the gas price now in the near future i saw an article on it ,that i wish i could find, that stated, if the US alone went to E 85 solely. than it would take 85-90 % of ALL the agriculture land mass in the world would be needed to grow corn, just to supply the US needs for E 85. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_85 good luck
  22. don't need to wast gas on these. and when they break down,....BBQ..
  23. angry here also... but this sums it up for me http://www.filecabi.net/video/George_Carlin_America.html
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