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Everything posted by SS_bnoon_SS

  1. post up the tune, or email it to me at work [email protected]
  2. After talking with you while you were doing yttaf's, I think I'll be grinding down a spare screwdriver to make a better tool to get the material in the groove a little easier. Hopefully that will help the process along... I actually didn't think his looked bad at all, just looked harder than it needed to be to poke the material into the seam.
  3. Very early Crew feel to the first single, almost like it could have been from Shout at the Devil or Too Fast for Love albums. I just hope the rest of the new one follows the lead of the first single and all will be good!!! It would be nice to have an all killer and no filler album again.
  4. Do you already have the Manley valves? Have you thought about the LS3 valves??? They're lighter than the stock ones... the Manley ones are heavier than stock L92, which = more chance to float the valves.
  5. Remind me to kick some people in the ding ding the next time I see them on the playground...
  6. Is it ready to start yet, or was that just a mock-up?
  7. How in the world am I ripping on Chad about the visors? I said they looked easy when compared to the old style that needed sewing, then I watched him do some and they sure weren't easy... That's why he had to take a break and walk away for a while and I didn't want "practice" on someone else's stuff that they were paying for. Are you guys really getting things up in a bunch, or just messing with me???
  8. The house is OK, but color me green over that garage!!! I hope to build a nice oversize shop in the next few years, but city limits me to 30x30 and 17 tall at peak. Stupid city...
  9. If I'm going to be good at something, it may as well be something fun! Looking forward to the new material Kevin!
  10. Holy crap, only 3 runs?!?!!? Do they have like 10,000 people show up or what?
  11. Nice. I like my 6k's so much, I can't imagine the 8k's!!!
  12. Love the old and new together!!! I was so close to buying one of those back in '96 when I found one with only 9k miles on it...
  13. No, you're a big boy. You told me so.
  14. Was this a problem on the stock tune? We need to eliminate hardware vs. software problems.
  15. You don't need to buy more credits to run SD tuning without boost. HPT offers higher resolution tuning files to run 2 and 3 bar SD systems needed for running boost, but you don't need those. You'll be fine on the stock 1 bar sensor.
  16. They weren't done until well after you pulled the truck out of the garage, at least the first time... and I did say that I wasn't 100%. Chad was talking about maybe having to redo one or both of them if they didn't turn out as well as he had liked, and he did have to take a break from them, so neener neener.
  17. Just pick some up at the next meet from Chris. We'll try not to make to much fun of you about it until then... heheheheh
  18. When's your first scheduled outing?
  19. Are you going to disconnect the straps, make a couple of runs, then run with the straps? Is it going to be tested at the track via 60' times, or on the street with seat of the pants dyno testing? Very interested in the outcome.
  20. Yeah, that's pretty bad ass money for seasons that last a couple of months for the most part. The king crabs are worth even more than the brown crab though, so imagine if they stay on their quota streak!!!
  21. Dang it, that reminds me that I forgot to swap out my ballast thingie with Chris, I've got one that's giving me problems. The week and a half that I got to drive with them in I loved them too! It was like I was 16 again and looking for errands to run after dark, just so that I could drive my truck with the new lights. WAY COOL!!!
  22. I don't know for sure if they were 100% done or not because they were kicking ThePDB's butt (he was doing the visors). I know Chad had to set them down and take a little break because he was getting frustrated. I think that part (the visors) may look easier than it actually is, because when I said "Hey, that looks easy", Chad said "here you go, some practice for you"...
  23. Booooooooo, smoking in an SSS... for shame.
  24. I think the thing to do is to do it in your garage, I nark you off and collect 25 grand, then I split it with you. You can have the first EPA sponsored SSS!!! Either that, or try to collect the gas into a balloon.
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