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Everything posted by SS_bnoon_SS

  1. It's a nice looking truck, I just wish GM would go ahead and make one already...
  2. Welcome back to the site and congrats on the cam install. I can't wait to be done with my tranny so that I can start my engine upgrades!
  3. LOL! Here's one for you http://dictionary.reference.com/ maks simpul guyz lik us luk gudder.
  4. I'm ready for another meet. Heck, maybe this time I'll even have an SS to bring!
  5. Injectors sold if you take Paypal. PM me your payment info.
  6. I'm getting tired of whacking it to the same set of engine pics.
  7. Wasn't there a post a loooooong time ago about a cam and tune only making 90+ HP??? I can't find it in a search, but it seems like there was something tha Nelson did quite a while ago...
  8. Do you want to go through the lights in 3rd or 4th? And at what RPM? From there it's just math as to which rear gear you choose.
  9. Does anyone have the part number for the column block off piece after the stock shifter is removed?
  10. Ahem, aesthetics... I'm not one to turn into a spelling nazi in most cases, but that word was murdered!!! LOL! I agree though, has nothing to do with manually shifting, just makes it look right.
  11. It just comes down to color preference really. If you look around the typical interior, there are usually at least 3 or 4 colors of similar shades in there. You just want to choose something in the right spectrum. If you don't like it, just respray a different color. FYI, the Marhyde brand can be ordered by your local auto parts store and many are kept in stock. I know my Oreilly's has several colors...
  12. Quick internet search http://www.autostyles.com/sem.htm I found some SEM dyes, or you can go to just about any interior shop and pick something compareable up. I've had good luck with Marhyde products as well as Parasol (not rattle can on this one though).
  13. I agree with what Chase said, but add this... Our trucks shouldn't have come with a worked over 700R4 trans that has been to weak for passenger car use (let alone performance truck use) since it's introduction in '82. Our trucks should have had the 4l80E from the factory.
  14. Trans came in yesterday. I'm going to need something else to do by the weekend because the trans will be done by Wednesday or Thursday night. I would have had it mostly done last night, but I noticed a cracked trans cooler line and had to swap that out (with 3 trips to the parts store).
  15. VERY nice writeup, saved me some time on my TBSS shifter install for sure!!! I'll add my pics when ever I get done. Thanks man!
  16. Thanks for the how to on the shifter, I'll have to go check that out now. I just got a Trailblazer shifter and knob and am in the process of putting it in. Waiting on a TB shifter cable since I don't want to chance messing up the stock cable in the process. As for this thread, I just wish I could afford half of your build right now... either the Procharger half, or the 408 half!
  17. I just ordered my slate gray ultrasuede microfiber this morning. It should go well with the stock plastic color hopefully. I was REALLY surprised to see that the stock visors didn't require stitching to recover... that's what really sold me on finally doing mine. Now I just need to go get some matching vinyl to finish my speaker box that's been riding around in bare wood for 2+ years...
  18. Every time you rotate your wheels I would put a good coat of carnuba wax on, after cleaning them up with a good wheel polish that is. It's hard to protect any chrome wheel (forged or not, chrome coating is the same) in salty conditions, so you've really got to pay attention to detail before your rims start to look like these. Good luck!
  19. I never knew the slats were cross drilled until I saw that pic. Are they a bitch to clean?
  20. He means don't release the charge into the air when you go to disconnect the lines/etc.
  21. LOL! An AWD TA would be fast as hell. Thanks Chris, for hosting this meet. I'll get you the recipe for the beans to pass along to your neighbors. The good thing about "Cowboy Beans" or "Calico Beans" is that you can adjust to taste easily enough too. Just don't eat to many yourself... peeeeeeeeeee UUUUUU!!!! Made my eyes water and almost lost my supper a couple of times.
  22. Bah, the tune is one of the best things I've ever done!!! I just wish I would have put a shift kit in and a vette servo to save the tranny.
  23. Get the PAC adapter and add a better amp. Super easy install and there are even how to's on this site. It comes with the correct wiring clips, so there's nothing to be afraid of...
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