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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. awwww.... c'mon... no fair... you're picking on a near stock TBSS w/ a blower and juice on your truck... you big bully.
  2. This ain't canada... take your ice soccer tickets and gtfo!!
  3. Don't get me started on the response issues. Had I known what a PITA this was going to be I'd have saved my money... which after paying for shipping is getting closer and closer to the price I would've paid if this wasn't a GB. I sent my gauge in last week. In the box, as was requested, was a note describing the problems and I asked that they please contact me to let me know they had received it and when I could expect to get it back, possibly a tracking number since I've had an issue with UPS theft recently. I've been monitoring the tracking number via ups.com.... they have received the gauge, but I have not received any type of response AT ALL. I have given them all my phone numbers, emails, etc. but no contact from them at all. Its bad enough that the guy just flat refuses to list any kind of contact phone number or email on his site, but he doesn't even respond to PM's via their "TECH SUPPORT FORUM" Still waiting to get my gauge back... but I'm giving Todd the benefit of the doubt since Monday was a holiday. I'll keep you guys posted as to whats going on or if I ever hear anything back. I will say that if this continues it will be the last time I do any business with Aeroforce. Love the product, but the company leaves much to be desired so far.
  4. Things to keep in mind: There are different properties to a finish that will be accentuated by different products. Carnubas add depth and a warm look to black, but offer very short term protecton. Polymers and sealants offer long term protection, but more often than not leave the finish kind of flat looking, lacking any depth. IMO you'd be best suited to decide which is more important: long term protection between applications or aesthetics. If you're ambitious enough you can go with multi layered approach and apply a pure carnuba over the top of a polymer sealer... or the option of a blend product for a balance of the 2. Really I don't think there is any over the counter product that'll compete with specialty products available online, so don't limit yourself to the autoparts store selection.
  5. Thats a good point... but it really depends on if its a participant voted decision or a point based/judge scored system. Almost all shows I go to use some form of judges/point system... but Cali does tend to take our car shows a little more seriously than most IMO.
  6. The obvious thing is to clean it... completely... that means every nook and cranny gets some attention including the inside of the wheel hoops, the inner fenders, the engine bay, the undercarrige... EVERYTHING. Nothing detracts from a vehicle being judged at a show more than dirt. On to the actual presentation.... if the show will be using the standardized show scoring method there are some key areas to address. Your hood MUST BE OPEN!! Even if its not super custom you will get points just for having it open. Thats not to say fully open... open enough to show inside, but semi-closed (if that makes sense) Your typical QD spray bottle used as a hood prop is usually the right height unless you have something cool to use like a part of a painted coil spring or something. Same applies to your interior... either leave your windows 50% down or leave a door open. Even stock trucks get points for interiors. Again, both of these areas are scored in the standard system and you get 0 points if they're not visible... you won't get much if they're stock, but you'll get a few which is better than nothing.
  7. How is it possible we got this many defective gauges in such a small GB??
  8. Time to consult a voodoo witch doctor I know how you feel... I have the uncanny ability to control the weather with my details... sucks.
  9. I'll just post it here in case anyone else needs it:
  10. Yes... washing and drying can be damn near impossible in the sun during the heat of the day. Keep in mind I'm in SoCal so this is an issue for me as well. I do most, if not all, of my work at about 8am... the position of my garage gives me shade until about 10:00 so I can wash and dry without fear of spotting excessively. I do shy away from working late in the day... my experience is that you never seem to have enough light left to do the job right and if it gets late enough drying can be impossible b/c the water seems to streak more with the lowering temps. In any event washing in the shade is A MUST but if you have to work in direct sunlight try to work early in the day when the sun isn't as harsh.
  11. I just wish he was more responsive or gave me a number to call... I got his PM with the return address, but I want to know if I should send everything including the cable or just the gauge.... I'd prefer not to have to pull the cable after I routed it so nicely and zip tied it into place. I replied to him, but still no response.
  12. Dammit... Todd wants me to send mine back... looks like I have a defective one
  13. Agreed. Not to mention that "powercore" is nothing more than volants fancy pants term for a foam filter... last I checked foam offered no discernable advantage over wiremesh/cotton gauze style filter thats more common. Outlaw did mention they were going to offer a foam element eventually just to have the option but I don't know what came of it.
  14. I posted a question on their tech forum yesterday and so far no response. I do find it a tad bit frustrating that they don't offer a phone number or contact email for questions like this b/c now I just have to wait and see if/when he'll even check the forum and respond. Sounds like we're actually having seperate issues... mine will power off for a minute or 2 when I turn the truck off, but it powers back up and continues to power cycle indefinitely. Doesn't seem to be a huge drain on the battery as I've left it plugged in for periods of 3-4 hours without any ill effects, but I don't like a bright white light flashing on and off in my interior drawing attention to the fact I have after market goodies inside... might as well mount a big lit sign that says "STEAL FROM ME" on the roof. Danny, if you're not busy can you maybe drop them a line and let them know a couple of us are having issues and see if they'll check the tech board this weekend... I'd like to take care of this while I have spare time instead of having to wait and do it during my already hectic week.
  15. Oh... HaynSS... aka makani... aka pineapple... aka Sweet-tits McGee (but only on the weekends)
  16. That video is pretty old... they hadn't even released the Z06 yet when that was made.
  17. No blower = no need for boost gauge all in one harness broski.... at least thats how I understand the directions. Only certain applications require you to splice to a power source... the TBSS pulls the power and data thru the OBDII port... the additional wires included with the kit were for wiring analog inputs, which I don't have any need for right now.
  18. Meh... its still a mustang... a very expensive mustang. I like the way they look, just not worth the nearly $70-$80k dealers are trying to charge for them... give me a z06 over that any day of the week.
  19. Theres no need to tap into anything... the gauge is powered by the OBDII port.... unless maybe wiring to a switched 12v would allow the unit to know when the power was triggered off... but you'd think it'd get that same info via the OBDII port. Thats supposedly a clean regulated supply of power unlike tapping a switched powersource which could have interference from other electronics. I'll contact Aeroforce and see what they have to say... I tried everything I could think of and ended up with the same result. Even stranger is the fact that if I bump the data rate all the way up to 6 it never turns off... I did that last night and let it sit... came back after 45 minutes and it was still on and monitoring IAT and trans temp.
  20. HA!! head over to GMFullsize and look at the activity in the Lounge as compared to the rest of the site... that my friend is way more of a disproportionate level of activity than here.
  21. WOOT!! Got mine and installed it today!! Thanks Danny. I am having one problem... the guage works great... all the settings and everything are awesome, but for some reason it continues to power cycle even after the tbss is shut off... I thought maybe it would stop after a little bit so I pulled the key, closed the doors, and gave it a wash... I peered into my window after about 40 mintues (wash/dry time) I could see it still going thru startup, and then shutting down for a minute, powering back up, so on and so on. Its only hooked into the OBD2 port, no need to jump the 12v connection for switched power according to the manual... is there something I'm missing here?
  22. I shot these pictures yesterday... keep in mind that these are in Rancho Cucamonga... no where near any of the actual fires... but as late as yesterday afternoon the winds were carrying ash and even the occasional glowing ember from the other fires to us... outside right now everything is just covered in a fine layer of soot and ash From my place, looking towards the mountains... this is a little after noon... the smoke is so thick it makes it look overcast: Top of Daycreek Blvd (a couple miles from my house) looking back towards the valley Towards the foothills This is at about 5:45pm from the parking lot at work... this is a whole 20-30 minutes PRIOR to the sunset... the street lights were already coming on b/c it was so dark
  23. Good... OCC really isn't as great as people think they are... and if most people knew how these Discovery Channel/TLC shows are filmed they'd quickly see most of the 'drama' is manufactured and the shows are far from reality. Good luck to the new shop... hopefully they don't sign on to do a TV show.
  24. I've always just used Idump... you can get it for free thru a number of DL sites, copy your entire library to your itunes folder and you're done.
  25. Dammit... I heard a knock at the door a couple minutes ago and heard the UPS truck... thought to myself "SWEET!! GAUGE IS HERE!!" ran to the front door.... no gauges... some clothes my wife ordered from Gap.com Hope everythings OK Danny... never a fun thing to deal with for sure.
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