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Everything posted by Dylan06SS

  1. Cool car, but for $70k I'd be driving a Z06.
  2. So what products/process?? I always like to see what results people get with what products.
  3. 17+ seperate wind whiped fires burning up SoCal... over a half million people evacuated... close to 2000 structures lost... no sign of containment on some of the fires... you're not aware of any of this?
  4. Hey now... that was a couple years ago and I've mellowed even more since then... if it were back in the day I probably would've made the little shit eat that ****ing backpack and been in a lot of trouble. Another parking lot rampage recently was this weekend. Me, the boy, and wifey were at Target. I took my usual as far away as possible parking place. As we're leaving and headed towards the car theres a woman walking in front of us... she walks around the far side of the TB, but as she passes it she drags her shopping bag along my rear bumper. My wife saw me about to blow a gasket and said "your son is sleeping in the stroller, DO NOT make a scene" So instead of running and tackling the dumb bitch waterboy style I followed her to her car, said: "Excuse me, but you just drug your bag across the bumper of my vehicle. I realize you may not give a shit about your car, but I take exceptional care of mine and I don't appreciate it" She just looked at me dumbfounded and said: "So what do you want me to do? Give you money?" in a really condescending tone. I just chuckled and said "No... that won't be necessary b/c it looks like you didn't cause scratch it, but if you had done any damage I would drag you over there and use your ****ing face to try and polish it out... have a nice day" She didn't have a response. I walked away and she sped off... I'm sure she thought I was off my rocker, but I doubt she'll do something like that again. Its not like I go looking for trouble, its just theres so many inconsiderate assholes out there and CA is so crowded its almost unavoidable.
  5. Well.. you've got a lot more self control than I do... I had the exact same thing happen in a mall parking lot back when I had my camaro... the bitch opened her door while I was still sitting in the car and smacked my door... didn't so much as acknowledge me. I jumped out and after throwing a stream of expletives at her she continued to walk away with the comment "Calm down its just a ****ing car" :pissed: My wife (then girlfriend) was still in the passenger seat... I asked her to hand my the club (the steering wheel security thing) I pulled the long end out and proceeded to use it to cave in the hood of the bitches haggard Nissan Sentra. She looked back at me in shock and said something to the effect of "You crazy ****!!" to which I replied CALM DOWN YOU FAT BITCH!! ITS JUST A CAR!! Of course I then had to leave before she decided to sit on my hood or something. Probably not the best way to react to the situation... I've calmed down a lot since my rampaging 17 yr old days.
  6. Please enlighten me... Why do you not agree?
  7. How many posts does this topic need?
  8. Theres been a lot of discussion about it... search thru the appearance section. I posted and in depth HOW TO a while back that will help you out.
  9. Yer the man! You sending UPS? FEDEX? USPS? Just curious so I know what to look for.
  10. Theres a long line of important people who are waiting to get theres... rumors have it pegged in the $120-$150k range... should be an amazing car.
  11. Whore? Me? Well... I can't believe you would... I mean... really... ME?? A whore?? The nerve of some... Aw **** it who am I kidding... I'm a whore
  12. Please note that my screen name is on the one furthest from the corner, thus it is the closest to being out of that room... leading me to believe that it is the most important one and obviously the first one to ship
  13. I miss Dylan... that guy was a man among men, a true American hero, and a likely candidate for sainthood
  14. ZOMG!! Soooo excited to get mine You shipping these out tomorrow? Also, don't suppose he sent any of those stickers in black did he? Kinda got a theme going here... if not I'll have my vinyl guy make me one.
  15. Lots of sanding, body filler, more sanding, more sanding, and more sanding.
  16. Seconded. All my vehicles have always gone there for exhaust work... bunch of old school guys... good work, good prices.
  17. Yep... saw him run at Fontana... nice guy and definitely a SHIT TON of money tied up in that truck.
  18. 10.63 is fast... but its silly fast for a ****ing flying brick like the TBSS... Hes running a stroked LS2 (403) with AFR heads a REALLY aggressive cam & direct port intake nitrous.... BIG shot of GO juice. Bet the dude in the Trans Am was a little shocked... I think the announcer just about shit himself.
  19. I have the same kit (from the same member) on the TBSS and it works fine, but I did have to send back the first set b/c of a faulty ballast. Thats probably the issue, but before sending them back make sure all your connectors are seated completely... especially the big plug connecting to the ballast... the clips don't fit over the notch very well so you may have to pull the clips back a bit to get it to seat all the way.
  20. Dylan06SS


    I think hes trying to communicate with us... but I can't figure out what the **** he just said
  21. How in the hell would a rollpan welded to the bedsides cause a bent frame?
  22. ah... internet n00bs http://www.snopes.com/photos/people/tallwoman.asp
  23. HAHA... well the saying is "the cobblers kids are always the last to get shoes" and that couldn't be any more true with me. Been lucky that the weather has been perfect and I've been good about dusting and QDing it every morning when I leave and every night when I get home, but it is looking pretty haggard.
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